Sky Pirate's Den

Sky Pirate's Den

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Must Return to Ivalice!!!!

Well, Readers, I have to admit real life is boring as hell. There's no anticipation of school, all my friends are busy, and therefore my real-life blog that I have made unavailable to the public until the final years of my life has been sitting around not collecting any posts. This sucks. I don't wanna play FFXIII again because I have beaten that game seventeen different  times (I am dead serious), and that eighteenth time that I promised a playthrough for is not going to come because why do so when FFXIII-2 is coming out?

Now that I have a new computer, my emulators for FFVI and FFVII have become unavailable to me. I could download them again for my Mac, but for some reason my Mac doesn't seem to agree with the concept of emulator software, therefore rendering FFVII unavailable for a replay and FFVI unavailable to be finished. I don't have FFX yet, but with the recent acquisition of a debit card and a checking account, hopefully the day that I can sit down and play that game for the LAWLZ will come soon. For now, I am extremely bored, and playing those four measly missions in the Final Fantasy Typo Demo is starting to get old, as much as I want to disagree with that statement. I mean, how many times am I going to send Rem through a city in Milites and blow up everyone with her powerful magic that makes her Thunder Missile spell so awesome to watch (and hot)? How many times am I going to whip everyone's ass with her knife attacks that are fun to watch (and hot)? How many times am I going to pan the camera against the floor as I go up the stairs to get a view under her skirt that is hot to watch (and hot)?

Sure, Final Fantasy Typo could be an amazing game, and I definitely would love to spend hours playing it if I ever find the time, but that is only applicable for the game. The demo, on the other hand, is fun until you realize that you are never going to see the rest of the Hogwarts School of Final Fantasy, that you are never going to check out the other half of Class Zero, that you are never going to make Rem a god-like war machine like Lightning after many hours of stat development, that you are never going to kill that Cid guy, and that you are never going to find out what really happened to No. 10, no matter how many hours you put into that demo.

Therefore, I am only left with one option: return to Ivalice. The problem I have always had with Final Fantasy XII was that, after a long while of playing, I lose the incentive to play it and I inevitable forget about it. It is a wonderful game, and I have beaten it a couple of times, but I never got to finish it at this age where I can appropriately enjoy the game. Plus, I never played through the game via Blue Highwind's walkthrough. I only managed to get through half of it with his walkthrough before I lost the motivation to play FFXII. Now, with nothing going on for me, I guess there's no reason not to try it out again. I'm still waiting on some job applications to be fully reviewed, so I guess in the meantime I should head on over to my dad's place and pick up my dusty PS2. I wish my PS3 could play FFXII.

So what does this mean in the grand scope of things? Well, not much, other than I might do a playthrough on the game if I can find the appropriate times to put it down and write about it. With my MacBook, it will be much easier to stop what I am doing and switch over to write about it. The same goes for Blue's walkthrough on the game. Before, I had to go through much ink and paper to make his walkthrough accessible to me, but now that I have a "portable computer," all that trouble is a thing of the past. So let's do it, Readers, let's go back to Ivalice! That is probably by far the largest and most developed setting in the whole Final Fantasy Series. In my opinion, Ivalice is to Final Fantasy as Azeroth is to World of Warcraft. Plus, I never heard a bad thing about any of the games that take place in that world's setting. I'm sorry if you aren't on board with me on this one, Readers, but I am going to do it. I am going to go through FFXII and try to make a playthrough on it. If I do, expect to see it on its own page, unlike the Typo Demo's playthrough. Until next time, Readers who decide to stay here on Earth. Have fun with its ordinariness.

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