Sky Pirate's Den

Sky Pirate's Den

Friday, February 21, 2014

I Have No Clue

That's a pretty good title for this. I don't really know where any of this blog is going anymore, which I wouldn't say is a bad thing to you if you actually check in on this blog regularly. It's a bad thing for me because I can never decide what to do, and I almost hardly ever feel like writing anything here. I still can't imagine any end to this thing, so I guess there's that.

I thought at first that perhaps what this blog needed was a complete refresher. I thought perhaps if I started it over and went to Wordpress, that would solve everything. I've never thought much of Wordpress lately since somebody who I am very impartial with suddenly decided to drop my recommendation of this site and go on over to that place, which I am a hundred and fifty percent sure was out of spite against me (you see, while I am not completely certain about his awareness, he and I are in love with the same woman. Even though he left me at my wit's end on that situation, I feel pretty sure he views me as some sort of antagonist anyway. Oh, people, they never grow the fuck up). I tried not to think of it this way at first-- maybe Wordpress is actually pretty cool. However, when I went to sign up, there was a lot of pressure to subscribe to them for some sort of premium membership. If it's anything I hate, it's premium memberships, but at least Wordpress wasn't forcing this on me, so I continued. Then, as I was setting up my blog's appearance, I found that there were only a few themes to choose from while the rest cost eighty dollars. Not that this matter all too much to me, I just find it strange: what casual person would pay eighty dollars for a set of differently arranged and colored pixels?

But as I said, I paid little else mind to that and proceeded to try and "customize" the blog, and this was where I saw trouble. For anything, you have to upgrade to the premium membership, which costs about eighty or a hundred bucks a year. Perhaps for a professional thing, that'll work. This blog is the furthest thing from professional, though. Same with this guy's blog: is it professional? Well it is well-written, and a lot of the way he writes feels authoritative (almost so much so that you nearly get sick of reading him after a while were it not for his occasional jokes), but I don't feel that any of that warrants being professional. I don't know if his blog is paid for or not, as for the one part it should have ads if it were a free website (another striking problem with Wordpress), and I see none of those. I just don't see why he would pay nearly a hundred a year to maintain something so casual.

Well anyway, this is starting to delve a little too much into my personal feelings. My contempt for him is not that important.

So what am I here to talk about, if it's not my disliking of the guy who got to the woman I loved first? Why, I'm here to talk about games, of course! Getting on a brighter note, have we all been following the news on Super Smash Bros.? I sure as hell am. Nearly every bit of news tickles the contracting muscles around my lips, although I don't care much for some things like the announcement that Diddy Kong is here to stay. What does bother me a little is how Lucario made the cut. Lucario is a wanna-be Mewtwo. He is a Pokémon that I seriously believe was designed just to be put in Super Smash Bros. Lucario the Mewtwo Ripoff is pretty much a Fighting-type Mewtwo, therefore I believe, after Melee came out, that the developers put their heads... somewhere unpleasant and decided, "Mewtwo is cool, but he's not a fighter, so how does that make sense with Smash Bros.? What should we do? OH I KNOW, LET'S MAKE IT A FIGHTING-TYPE, GIVE IT A STUPID-LOOKING DOG DESIGN, AND NAME IT LUCARIO! To ensure Mewtwo is forgotten, let's promote Lucario in every stupid way we can, starting with putting him in Brawl to have the same exact moveset. If that's not enough, let's have a trainer who uses two Lucarios in Pokémon X and Y, for good measure!"

Well, silliness aside, pretty much everything I've seen with this game has been great. Sakurai's Pics of the Day chip the veil away little by little, showing off more and more of some really cool things. For example, there's going to be a Nintendogs 3DS stage. In it, the fighters are made wee-small, and they brawl in the living room of a cozy house with a puppy lurking around in the environment (I never thought I'd use "lurking" to describe a puppy). Dog toys and some furniture all prove as platforms and obstacles in this stage.

I really hope that puppy becomes a stage hazard. And not in the clumsy manner of the assist trophy, I mean like something you'll fear coming into contact with. That'll really be something.
What's also interesting is Little Mac's reveal trailer and its link to the Metroid series, or rather, what people believe about that trailer. Putting that into context with several other strange things Nintendo's done (there was one time Reggie wore a Samus pin, on which he said, "You never know," when asked if a new Metroid was in the works), the trailer seems to show off Samus quite a bit as well even though it is specifically for Little Mac's reveal. I don't know what to really say about this. Sure, the scene of her rolling by at the end seemed kind of random, but I feel like I've seen Nintendo do this time and time again. They are a company that is proud of its franchises, so I don't know about that one.

But if it's anything Nintendo should make next, it's definitely a Metroid game. The Legend of Zelda got the recovery treatment with A Link Between Worlds following the disappointing Skyward Sword, now it's Metroid's turn! Put Other M in the past! What I say should be released is a kickass sidescroller on the 3DS, although I guess it would be fine on the Wii U as well (I just won't be able to play it). A 3D game like Prime would be fine too. Just have Retro or the SPD team take the helm and nothing can really go wrong. Anything to get rid of the awful cutscenes and atrocious things that were done to Samus's character out of everyone's heads.

So speaking of Metroid, I've started picking up the games and playing through them again as I did last Summer. I think last Summer I meant to do a post-by-post analysis of each of these games, but I never did that for some reason. I know I am doing that with Kingdom Hearts right now, but I still haven't gone around to playing the first game in the series, and since I'm in school it's hard to do that at the moment. The Metroid games on the other hand, well save for probably the Prime series, do not require a lot of time. I've already ran through Metroid 2 and Zero Mission multiple times in the past week. So this is what I'll try to do over the next several posts. It'll be a while before I get around to writing about Prime 3 and Other M (yes, even that horror), though, since I don't have access to those games on my computer.

Well, here's to hopefully being able to keep this place updated often. As well, of course, as to the speedy release of Super Smash Bros.!

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