Sky Pirate's Den

Sky Pirate's Den

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Shinra News Already Said, as well as What They Didn't Say

Okay, so a lot of Final Fantasy XIII-2 stuff has come out, along with even a Game Informer article (I don't remember if it was a review or a preview; it was most likely a preview) on it. I have been gone from this blog for quite a while now, and I do apologize for that. My life has taken a lot of my concerns since I finished FFVI. As a matter of fact, that FFIII playthrough I am working on is going to be put on hold indefinitely. When I can find the time to play that game again, I'll do it and I'll continue the playthrough. But for now, I've been mostly concerned with my college's orientation next week, my violin practice, my work at my city's performing arts center, and so on. Plus, Skyrim came out, and that game is pretty much the best video game that is out these days (Type-0 isn't going to be counted as anything since it isn't in America yet). A lot of my life has been taken by Skyrim already. I never found the time to take a look at what's going on with the series that I love (except for Type-0. I've kept a close eye on that game since my absence. Unfortunately, there was nothing of importance released within the past month, until now). However, if there are actually any Readers out there reading this (I know there aren't, I can see so on my blog's stats. To be honest, this blog is really more for myself than anything), they should already know that this blog isn't going to get updated that much. It says so in the first post that I wrote here.

Anyway, so Shinra News has been flooded with information on FXIII-2. I was going to take a look at Game Informer's article, and then I ignored it because all it was was a look at the game's first few hours of gameplay. I am not going to read that nonsense. On Shinra News, it seems that the culprit of all the XIII-2 articles is some user by the name of FFGirl. While it's nice to see someone who cares about the sequel of the controversial FFXIII, it would be much nicer to see other people who care about the series in general. Nobody has said anything about Type-0's overseas confirmation, and that news is probably a week old already. It does say that on Type-0's wiki page, but it should say it on the news since that is big and important. All I see on Shinra News is stuff about the DLC for the game and the soundtracks and all that. Who cares? Let me go over the news and show you all which articles are important:

(Oh, by the way, I just went to look and now they say that Type-0 has been confirmed for the West. Nice one.)

  • Final Fantasy V and VI to Be Released on North America PSN: This informs of a release. Always important.
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 North American Collector's Edition Announced: As with the other posts of collector's editions, this is somewhat important because this shows what to expect to get when you pay extra money for the game.
  • Game Informer Magazine Spoils Beginning of Final Fantasy XIII-2: This is important because if it wasn't there, I would've read the article and the game's beginning would've been spoiled.
  • Official ESRB Rating for Final Fantasy XIII-2: Okay, this really isn't all that important. It's still nice to know, I guess.
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 New Artwork and Gameplay: The gameplay demo shown is all that really needs to be seen.
  • Final Fantasy XV Could Possibly Be an Action RPG: This is important because this gives readers information from the makers of the game on what to expect from future titles (also, HELLZ YEAH! NO MORE LOADING BARS!)
  • New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Special Set to Air in December: This is important for anyone who wants to listen to more information on the game.
  • Japanese version of Final Fantasy XIII-2 Now Complete: This post informs of a game's progress in development.
And that's about it. Everything else is about screenshots and whatnot. Sure, they may include some tidbits on the gameplay of the game, but other than that, it's just a bunch of pictures to look at. These should be featured somewhere else, in my opinion. I guess it's not too bad to post them in the news, but there needs to be other stuff there like the articles I listed above. I would become a Shinra News reporter, but Blue says to stay away from that wiki and he seems incredibly scarred by it, so I am not going to do it.

I actually don't have too much to say about XIII-2, though. Actually, I don't really feel like talking about that game right away. I am going to run through the Type-0 internet articles and make sure there is nothing of actual importance to talk about. Then I'll go over the Versus XIII stuff, because I think there is some new information out on that game. Then, I will get back to writing about XIII-2.

On Type-0, it is said that there will likely be a sequel to the game. I already knew about this since Square had planned to make a little spinoff series going like Type-1, Type-2 and so on. However, if you didn't know about this, I guess you are now informed on that. Also, there is a second demo out for Type-0, but that's old news as well. I think the second demo might be the same as the first, I am not too sure. As for Versus XIII, there isn't much out other than that the game will have Moogles. Everything else on the interwebs is about XIII-2, so I guess I have no choice but to get back to that game. But first, I need to look at the new articles and videos that have been released on that game.

I'm sorry, I can't find a good video. I keep finding this one where the guy is holding the camera sideways. There was another of a press conference, and the translations were awful. If you want to see it for yourself, here's the two videos. I will admit, the articles that show screenshots of Sunleth Waterscape were impressive. I missed that place; I am going to be so glad to see it again.

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