Sky Pirate's Den

Sky Pirate's Den

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Fabula Novella Crystallis Dish Out More Expectations

First off all: BAM! Finally, some gameplay footage for Versus XIII. Finally, I am no longer contemplating whether the game exists.

Update: Apparently Square lifted the copyright block on the trailer. The hell? Well, please ignore anything I say about the trailer being blocked, and do enjoy!

Unfortunately I didn't quite make out half of what I saw, but from what I did make out, I instantly developed high hopes for this game. The fact that it is still a PS3 exclusive is already sounding good to me. The CGI trailers look great, but the actual gameplay graphics look a bit funny. The gameplay looks promising, as it really is that Kingdom Hearts-esque style of combat that Square promised not to bullshit. It just doesn't look too glamorous yet, but that might be perhaps of limited abilities in the trailer. From what I've seen, though, it doesn't look too bad. Most of the trailer showed Noctis running around in a slightly realistic looking city with cannons bombarding the streets and some weird flying bus thing crashing into buildings. If that wasn't enough, they showed the fight against the Behemoth, which is an actual Final Fantasy Behemoth and not some retarded bipedal piece of shit that FFXII tried to pull on me. Those Behemoths are not vicious, they look more like a pack of idiots.

Well, I was going to post the video for FFXIII's sequel, FFXIII-2, but Square blocked it for some stupid  reason. I assume that could only mean that the trailer I had for Versus XIII here might also be blocked, for this is all happening before I've even posted this shit yet. Oh well, I guess I cannot show you all Lightning's ass for now, but in time good Readers, in time. I'm afraid that that game will be terrible, but I'm willing to cling to some hope since Lightning's in it. Maybe the developers will actually make the game an explorable world with tons of sidequests, but given their previous compilations to other video games, that would be very unlikely.

Note: Yeah, they blocked that Versus XIII video too. Sorry, Readers, but I can't help it if Square wants to be a pain. We'll just have to wait till they calm the hell down about their "rights."

Well I found another trailer for the second FFXIII. God knows how long this one will last, so hopefully whoever the hell I imagine is reading this has a chance to get a good look at you know what before Square takes it down. Aw man, come on Square, don't be so stingy with your fanservice.

I'm now working on figuring out how I am going to save the video.

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