Sky Pirate's Den

Sky Pirate's Den

Sunday, July 17, 2011

FFXIII-2 Nearing Completion

"Lightning Strikes Twice." It doesn't get any more awesome than that. I think this is the first time I have ever seen a Final Fantasy game featured in Game Informer, rather than some Japanese magazine like Daruma Magazine or something. I think the writer of the article even said that this is the first time Square has globally opened the game up to be seen in magazines outside of Japan and all. This is really exciting. Tim Turi wrote that Square was going to "tap into the series' core fan base," which I am sure means that they are going to go back to their roots or whatever you want to call the days between FFVI and FFX and make a game with the same elements. This sounds like the greatest thing that the company's ever done for years, and I hope that all the hype isn't leading to nowhere. Turi wrote, "If my short time with FFXIII-2 is any indication of the final product, I can't wait to get my hands on this promising piece of digital redemption once more." He said that he had played fifty hours of the first FFXIII and found more enjoyment in the thirty minutes he spent playing this game. It was not a surprise to me, given the things I have seen and heard from this game, that he would write that the game is a vast improvement, yet I am very astonished by the things I read from the article, and therefore I myself cannot wait to get my hands on that game as well. I doubt it will be the best Final Fantasy ever, but it will surely be one of the company's greatest releases if it lives up to what was shown. Apparently, this game now gives players the ability to jump freely, at any time. I don't know if that will really come into any necessary use, but nonetheless it makes me happy to hear that. I cannot wait to see it all for myself.

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