First off, I don't know if it will actually be eighty selfies. Honestly, it will probably be more. I've been trying to stick to the achievement, but I keep finding myself detouring and taking selfies in other places. It's too much fun in this game! I think it's just that the idea of taking a literal selfie in this game is something I never would have imagined ever being in this game, and now that it is in the possibilities for epic silliness are unbound. Also, I somehow managed to get my selfie camera updated, so now I can take selfies with all of my characters!
I don't know how I'll manage these posts, or how they'll be organized, so expect them to be really quite messy. All I know is that I am going to try my best to keep all the selfies even between my characters. Also, some selfies will be completely boring, oh well. Most of those will probably be the obligatory "selfie I took for the achievement and couldn't find a good place to take it."
Now, without further ado, my selfies!
Obligatory selfie on the VIP ride to the VIP party at Black Temple |
Waitin' on my homies the Essences to spruce up. |
I love how this selfie came out so perfect there are even rave lights going on. |
Fun with the Temple Concubines! |
The man of the hour himself. |
Obligatory selfie with Azeroth. #Icanseemyhousefromhere |
So while my death knight parties at present-day Black Temple in Outland, my lock goes to a classier party at 30-years-in-the-past Karabor in 30-years-before-it-became-Outland Draenor!
I realized I should've taken before-after selfies here and in front of Black Temple. Oh well :( |
Stopped by Shattrath for a before-after. |
Ha ha ha it looks like shit now. |
And now, some obligatory "selfies I took for the achievement and couldn't make them look good" selfies.
#photobombed |
Not for the achievement but I was in Netherstorm anyway and why isn't this for the achievement? |
I think I'm actually already about a third of my way through these selfies, but there are still quite a few more that I need to take, so we'll see how long this series goes.