And so continues this blog's silly tradition of using Rem's adorable face to mark good news! |
Well I mean a review, the game technically already has come, and most fans probably already know this game is coming to the next-gen consoles. I cannot thank enough the wonderful souls on Operation Doomtrain who put this fantastically done localization together, every bit of what they've done seems like phenomenal work.
When I started this blog, Type-0 was the biggest thing to come out of Square Enix, and why? Well, because XIII was not good, and Versus XIII (now FFXV) was almost a myth. This was the only other game to come out of the three teams that came together to make what I think of as three different FFXIII's (Type-0 was going to be called Agito XIII). From what I saw of the trailers, the hype was tremendous: you had the World Map! That hadn't been around since FFIX! There was a tremendous amount of playable characters, each seeming to promise to be unique. There was, while I wasn't fully sure of what it was, a seemingly intricate storyline or at the very least really good characters. There was Rem! There were side quests, chocobos, airships, GILGAMESH! How could this game be anything short of fantastic? So it came out, and I waited, pining in hope for it's US release... And I waited.... And waited...
It's kind of sad that you can see all the posts I previously wrote tracking this game's Western "release." For a time, that was all that this blog was about (this used to be a Final Fantasy-only blog, too). I remember the excitement just from unverified translations claiming the game was indeed slated to be released in the US. I remember the tweet from a veteran Square Enix localization voice actor, who said he had the role of "King" in "an upcoming game," which got taken down. I was convinced this game would be released in the states. However, after a couple of years, I became completely apathetic to the game and actually forgot about it, really. It just looked like Type-0 was never going to be released, so why would I still bother with it?
Now, some awesome people seem to have fully translated all the text in the game, allowing for any English-speaking person who can't read Japanese understand not just the plot of the game, but pretty much everything. After many excrutiating hours of trying to get the game to work--as it was too big to fit on my PSP, and my PSP could not even run it anyway, and then I had to try an emulator and track down a specific build of PPSSPP that specifically runs this game--I finally, FINALLY got to play Type-0, after all these years!
And now Square claims they have an HD remaster in the works for the PS4. Just when the English patch came out. Good job Square Enix, really good job. I'll believe that game is coming when I see Final Fantasy XV ever released.
So yeah, I'm loving every bit of Type-0. Not to sound like I'm copying Blue Highwind, but it truly is everything I wanted out of what I saw from the trailers. So thanks to the people who fan localized the game for us, you fellas get to have a review of the game here. That may be a while though, because there is a ton of stuff to do in Type-0. If you want to play this game, get the English patch quickly, as soon as possible!!! There's no telling how soon Square will act on this localization. I already came across some broken links, and this patch has only been out for about a month! So go go go, get it while it's hot.