Originally my Final Fantasy blog, I shut down this blog for a few months before ultimately realizing I had a lot of fun with it, even though nobody read a single thing. Now, with the world of PC gaming fully open to me with Steam, emulators, FRAPS, and so on, I felt it would be awesome to take this blog and turn it into a general gaming blog.
Sky Pirate's Den

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Discrediting the "Prophet" of Super Smash Bros.
Well I finally found a name for my show. Anyway, so yeah, I'm sick and tired of people saying Pac-Man is gonna be in the game just because this guy said so. That's the gist of things.
Also, I am working on a Metroid II post! Expect that soon, sometime this week. I'm already about three-quarters done with it.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Now I don't particularly care for the Hoenn region and Gen 3 Pokémon, which probably sounds like scandal to everybody as I'm pretty sure these are the most popular Pokémon games in the series. I'm sorry! Generation IV is still my favorite, even if I haven't played any of these games since Yellow (I mean I do have Pokémon X, don't get me wrong). Even though Gen IV did have Regigigas ("Regigigas just can't get it going!"), it still had some pretty cool legendaries. Kyogre is pretty neat, and so is Jirachi (hello, that's like one of my favorite Pokémon), but Latios/Latias are like wanna-be Lugias (with a silly design imo), all of the Regis--even Registeel--suck (and why the unified Fighting weakness?), and Deoxys also kinda sucks. Maybe it's just that I never used its Attack Forme that I think of it that way, idk. Still, I am pretty interested in seeing a Mega-Evolved Kyogre (come on, those are definitely Mega-Evolutions on those covers)-- Kyogre as it stands is already pretty OP and ridiculous. I can't begin to imagine what a Mega-Evolution will do. Then again, not every Mega-Evolution is all that good. Look at Mewtwo X: not very spectacular. I love destroying Mega-Mewtwo X with a Play Rough from Mawile or a Hyper Beam from Pixilate Sylveon.
I would rather see a Gen IV remake (Dialga's cooler than all these "weather" Pokémon combined and you know it), but I get that it would make no sense to skip these games over. Especially since people really think they are the best games in the series; I personally have no idea why, but I guess I'll see when I get Alpha Sapphire.
Along the lines of Pokémon, I'm putting together a new team. I discovered the incredible hilarity and sheer glass-power that is Mega-Mawile (aptly nicknamed Bites), and I was having so much fun destroying teams that I found myself wanting to build a team around my beloved Bites. So for my alternative Pokémon team on the off-chance I get tired of my beloved Eevee team, this is what I've got so far (plus my own strategizing so you could own me!):
- Mawile@Mawilite: Add Huge Power to Mawile's ~ base 105 Attack (probably more), throw in some coverage moves from its good variety in its movepool, and top that off with its hilariously animated STAB/Fairy-type move, Play Rough, and you have quite the nightmare that lives up to the Japanese ghost myth it is based off of (okay not really since the original Yokai is not really sinister, I don't think).
- Huge Power Azumarill@Sitrus Berry, with Belly Drum and Aqua Jet: This is an uncertainty and may change, but with instant access to 648 Attack, PLUS an instant recovery from the otherwise potentially life-threatening Belly Drum, you've got quite the annoying game breaker. I read this was illegal in tournament play, but I don't really do tournaments. If anything, I've got a physical wall setup on Tangrowth in mind to replace this. My "Mega Bites" essentially does the same thing anyway. Now if I could get Play Rough without breeding for egg moves (which I highly doubt), that'll truly make this Pokémon even more ridiculous.
- Dragonite: Because type coverage and dragons! I think its stats are good, too, so I think he'll make for a good non-gimmicky Pokémon in my team. Haven't really thought of much else to do with him though.
- Blissey@Something, maybe Leftovers: The quintessential special wall. I was going to make it a Wish-passer, but idk. The tremendous problem is that Wish is an egg move, and neither of my 6IV Blisseys have it. One of them has Aromatherapy, which is pretty cool I guess, but the lack of Wish really bothers me. I really don't feel like breeding either, since I'll have to breed for IVs as well, and I've bred hundreds of Pokémon already. Still, if I could get it Wish, I believe Blissey will really be an excellent healer. No wonder she (or I guess Chancey) is always with Nurse Joy at the Pokémon Center!
- Volcarona@Something, maybe Life Orb: If you know Volcarona well enough (read: entered just about any battle where somebody cheaply boosted it and one-shotted you with a Bug Buzz), you'll know that Volcarona is pretty dangerous. People say its resistances are crap, but it's really only weak to three things: Water, Flying, and especially Rock, and you'd have to be a tremendous moron (or just unaware of Pokémon types) to throw a Volcarona at a Rock type. This is what my Azumarill is for!
- Skarmory@Something: And finally, a really annoying trap-setter that is pretty impossible to take down quickly. So far I think I only have Spikes set up on it; I would like Stealth Rock as well but I don't want to deal with egg move/IV breeding when my Skarmory already has 6 IVs. Throw in Roost to give back health and we've got something truly annoying to contend with.
Along blog news, I've got another YouTube talk-show/podcast thing in the works on Super Smash Bros. I just need to pretty much finish editing the lengths of the photos, so it shouldn't take too long, but I'm pretty lazy so that may count against that. Luckily right now I feel like taking a break from my video games, so maybe I can get around to finishing it.
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