This was my most anticipated "conference," although with Sony's incredible conference, Nintendo would need to follow up with a few surprises of their own. To my knowledge, this didn't really happen, and it seems Nintendo played it pretty safe by announcing new installments in hit franchises, which is still okay. The most important news from Nintendo is the reveal of Super Smash Bros. 4, but I'll get to that in a while. As I said last post, I am writing along with the Nintendo Direct so that I can be more thorough with this "conference." For this whole conference, Satoru Itawa speaks about the many new games Nintendo has up their sleeves, and what better spokesman for your company than its own president (especially if it's Itawa, that guy is like Santa Claus and Nintendo his North Pole). So even though this Direct may be a little too safe, it is still certainly comfortable with plenty of games to offer. As a matter of fact, not following the trends of the other conferences, Nintendo literally solely focuses on games, makes no mention of TV shows based on games or entertainment features on the Wii U. So Nintendo is already many steps ahead of Microsoft in this year's E3.
The Nintendo Direct begins with the latest trailer for Pokemon X and Y, which discusses the new region and some new Pokemon. They introduce "Fairy-type" Pokemon, which some pre-existing Pokemon will already be rebranded as. These Pokemon are strong against Dragon-type Pokemon. The trailer also shows off a new feature called Pokemon-Amie, which is like the interactivity with Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow, but with far more interactivity. You can play minigames with your Pokemon, pet them, feed them treats, and copy their expressions somehow. My brother thinks this Pokemon is entirely different from previous Pokemon games, but I think he was thinking of Pokemon Conquest. Pokemon X and Y will be released October 12th of this year.
Next on the slate is the latest 3D Mario game, Super Mario 3D World. When it starts, we see Mario acquire a new ability never seen before, which allows him to climb up walls. We also see a new multiplayer feature in 3D world, where four players can play as Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad. Each character will have abilities that throw back to Super Mario Bros. 2. Iwata discusses this multiplayer for a bit before revealing the new power up: Cat Mario. What was that? CATS??!! Awwww yeah! The Mario series officially has the greatest power up ever. Cat Mario, as I mentioned, allows the player to climb up walls. As with the frog and tanooki power ups, the cat power up will put Mario in a cat suit. Mario will also be able to scratch at enemies, which doesn't sound too extraordinary, but maybe it will be useful for particular enemies. Super Mario 3D World will be released sometime December of this year.
Nintendo has so far done their own thing from the other conferences, and they've been doing it right. The next game they show goes back into following the trends of the other press conference: showing off a racing game. However, you would have to be entirely devoid of a soul to consider Mario Kart to be just another racing game. Nintendo might not always make the latest installment in the Mario Kart series as good as the previous, but every now and then they do find ways to freshen the gameplay. Also, who doesn't enjoy a racing game featuring stages based on your favorite Mario games and characters? The latest Mario Kart game is Mario Kart 8, which will be for the Wii U. The music in this trailer sounds kind of like something from a Sonic game, I think, but so far there's nothing on whether this will be it's own game or a crossover with the Sonic Racing games, which could happen given Nintendo's partnership with Sega. Iwata explains the latest mechanic in the series, which will be an anti-gravity feature, allowing for more variety within the race tracks. Release is slated for Spring 2014.
Iwata discusses Wii Party U, which looks like a Mario Party game featuring Miiverse stuff. He takes this time to announce that release dates for Wii Party U and Wii Fit U will be postponed for launch. He then bows in apology for having postponed many release dates for Wii U games. He then discusses a bit about the latest Art Academy game, which some features will be released for Miiverse. Iwata then discusses some new titles from third party companies, showing off a montage of games such as Arkham Origins, Assassin's Creed 4, Disney Infinity, Rayman Legends, Splinter Cell: Black List, and Sonic Lost World. Sonic Lost World looks amazing and looks like it will finally return to the level-centric design that made the older titles so wonderful. Then there's a montage of many different indie games being released for the Wii U Eshop.
Following the discussion on third party games is the HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. This game features a higher resolution and better shading than its original version. Most of this is stuff we already know, but there was one thing that roused questions: what will become of the Tingle Tuner? It will be replaced with a new thing called the "Tingle Bottle," which is essentially a message in the bottle to share things with other friends on Miiverse. This title will be released in November.
The next game, which I'm not too sure if it's a new Nintendo IP or a third-party one, is The Wonderful 101. In this game, you'll use the game pad to organize the one hundred and one heroes into many formations, from swords to cannons to shields and more. It looks to me like an action-based version of Pikmin. There will also be a multiplayer mode that allows multiple players to command different groups from the hundred of people. The Wonderful 101 will be released September 15th.
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is shown next, which features an interesting dynamic scenes from the camera, allowing for a variety of angles and depth to the platforming. For example, you can enter a barrel and be launched into the background. Dixie Kong is also a character in this game, although I'm not too sure of what she does. In this game, Donkey Kong's homeland is apparently under attack by "vikings," a.k.a. penguins and walruses with viking hats and ships.
Nintendo then shows a little bit of Bayonetta 2, which shows Bayonetta with a new, shorter haircut... that's about it. They also show some gameplay, where Bayonetta seems to summon some kind of giant monster to her aid. Not too sure about what seems different because I've only played a small bit of the first game. They also show a new Xenoblade, which features the use of mecha suits to fight with.
This whole direct, I've been wondering: are they actually going to show Super Smash Bros.? I was afraid they wouldn't when Iwata said he had one last game to show, but then the trailer began with the Smash Bros. logo cutting into the screen... and a scene from Animal Crossing? We see a player character open his mail, which he reads and immediately runs off, tossing the envelope aside. And imprinted on that envelope is the Super Smash Bros. logo, telling us that the villager is, somehow, the next fighter in Super Smash Bros. We then get a montage of all the core veterans, and then the trailer starts by showing gameplay from the 3DS version of the game, in which the characters are outlined and somewhat cel-shaded. We see some stages, one based on The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, where the players fight on a train commandeered by "Toon Link." There's also a Nintendogs stage, where the players battle in front of a dog in a living room. The trailer then transitions to what the game will look like on the Wii U, and shows off the Villager as a fighter. Here, he is shown using his tools from the Animal Crossing games to attack the players, from digging them into the ground with the shovel to using an axe to knock a tree over onto the player. And then finally, they reveal somebody who many will be so happy for: Mega Man. I personally am not into Mega Man so much, but I know so many people who have wanted him as a playable character in the game for a long time now, so it's cool to see he's finally a fighter in the game. There are other details about the game, but that'll wait for later.
Iwata finishes the Direct with an inside look at the Nintendo booths at E3 to prove that Nintendo was going to be at E3... I don't really understand why this had to be shown to us when only press officials are allowed to attend E3. Showing this to millions of people around the world was kind of pointless, but I guess it was to prove that there will still be press coverage on hands-on experience with the demos they had available. I'm sure that they had a plethora of other demos there than they did share at Best Buy, but at least they brought some of that hands-on E3 experience to many people, although only in North America.
As I think about Nintendo's Direct, I seem to realize that I probably only really liked it because Super Smash Bros., but I'm sure it was appealing to many Nintendo fans and gamers. Still, I don't think anyone was prepared for the surprises Sony had at their conference, from revealing the PS4 (might have been expected, but nobody knew for sure), to announcing console debuts for many popular indie titles, to finally, and who could forget it, having the announcement for Kingdom Hearts 3. It was an unforgettable night for Sony, so it makes sense to feel a little less excited for Nintendo when they have to follow such an incredible conference. But I still like what Nintendo had to show, even if some of the games didn't interest me. You may say that Nintendo did the exact same thing as Microsoft and just announced a bunch of games, but here's the thing: that is what they were supposed to do. Nintendo needed to announce some new installments in their hit exclusives, along with a couple of new games and such, to get people excited for the Wii U. Super Smash Bros. 4 will be reason enough for my brother and I to get a Wii U now. Microsoft needed to give details on how the Xbox One is a gaming console at its core, and all they did was show off new games. New games are nice and all, but it's hard to get excited for them when you don't know a thing other than the negatives about the console you are playing it on.
What's hilarious about this is that Full-Retard Microsoft is already kicking back and saying, "We got this, our console has great value." We'll see what the sales charts say when all three consoles are out in the market, then. I already heard reports of the Wii U sales skyrocketing since the Xbox One reveal, but I think those numbers didn't turn out to be statistically significant. If they were, I wouldn't be surprised.
There's still more E3 to look at, concerning many specific titles, but I am going to give it a rest for a while. I will probably release a collective post getting into detail about several games that interested me next week. Hope you enjoyed E3 this year! Even with Microsoft's horrendous failure, which actually provided some entertainment to me, there are many things to look forward to and be excited about. What will we see next year? Hopefully, it'll be higher steps up from Nintendo and Sony, and, for Xbox fans, redemption for Microsoft's ill-conceived next-gen console.
Originally my Final Fantasy blog, I shut down this blog for a few months before ultimately realizing I had a lot of fun with it, even though nobody read a single thing. Now, with the world of PC gaming fully open to me with Steam, emulators, FRAPS, and so on, I felt it would be awesome to take this blog and turn it into a general gaming blog.
Sky Pirate's Den

Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Sony E3 Press Conference: Right in the Xbox
E3 is officially over, but that doesn't mean I'm going to forget about these posts. On Monday night, to close the day at E3, Sony came on and gave a spectacular conference. The notes I took during the conference are somewhat in depth, but unfortunately most of them give such little detail that it's as if I barely paid attention to the conference. The same applied for Nintendo, so what I've decided to do was rewatch the Sony conference and the Nintendo Direct at E3 to give a solid recap of what went down. Since I am writing this at 12 AM, E.T., and have to wake up very early in the morning tomorrow, I will only be able to cover this conference tonight and then the Nintendo conference tomorrow, hopefully in the morning.
Sony started off with quite an explosive, somewhat lengthy montage of the different games they may be showing off at E3, with music blaring for a good several minutes. And they truly earned all the glamour, as we will see with their anticipated reveals, the revealing of the PS4, and with some incredible surprises along the way.
To start their conference, Sony discusses what they are doing with the PS3 and the Vita. The Vita, while certainly not a console to be underestimated, is being blown out by the Nintendo 3DS. They share several of the future upcoming games for Vita, including a new Killzone game, Batman: Arkham Origins, Terraway, and some HD remakes of games including God of War, Final Fantasy X, and Final Fantasy X-2. Why FFX-2 needed an HD remake is beyond me, but that is on Square's end. As with Microsoft, Sony announces that they will still support the PS3 with several titles. However, unlike Microsoft, Sony does it right by giving a lineup of new games, like The Last of Us (although I honestly only have a slight interest in it). They announced a game called The Puppeteer, which all I gathered from was a stylized platformer. Next was a game called rain, which seems to involve a storyline about ghostly children.
Of most interest to me from this fast montage of short, ambiguous trailers was one for Beyond: Two Souls, made by the makers of Heavy Rain and Kara, a tech demo but a beautiful one nonetheless. Ellen Page stars in this game apparently as a psychic military soldier... not too sure on other details
Next they show Gran Turismo 6: Another Racing Game. After Ubisoft's incredible showcase of The Crew, it's pretty hard to get excited for "a new physics engine" and better graphics. I guess hardcore racing fans like my uncle might get excited for this, but I just wish that they can give us a twist when it comes to a new racing game. It's not that hard, either; just look at Nintendo. Thankfully they didn't make this game a highlight, unlike Microsoft and their ridiculous showcase of Forza 5.
Other conferences mentioned it, but Sony was the one who decided to show off the new Batman: Arkham Origins, with Bane and a whole crew of interesting titled villains. We see Batman use a Tony Stark-esque mapping system to recreate a crime scene. Of course, we also see the Joker, my favorite villain ever. The president mentions some details about exclusive DLC from Arkham (along with a crack at the old 1960's Batman television show), and announces some exclusive bundles from GTA V, like a set of apparently GTA themed Turtle Beaches.
So after Jack discusses the Vita and PS3, Andrew House, President and Group CEO of SCE comes up to talk about the PS4. He starts off by saying, "We know players can't wait to see the Playstation 4." This scares me because usually lines like these are followed with a "please wait a little longer," but he actually does show it off instead! It looks kinda like a bulkier, sleeker PS2 to me, but I'll let you Readers see for it yourselves.
Unfortunately, Sony slumps a little by bringing Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment to talk about how the PS4 will offer features on music, movies, and television shows. I feared how long this segment was going to be, but you have to give them some slack as it was the unveiling of many details for PS4. Still, E3 at its core as about gaming, and any time off from discussing games will strike against the company who has the floor. Just look back on Microsoft's hideous conference back in 2010, which their Xbox One reveal echoed. House comes back on to discuss that the PS4 will offer several entertainment features such as Netflix and Redbox Media, which was previously only known to be available on Xbox One.
Following House is Shu Yoshida, President of Sony Worldwide Studios. He discusses the several first-party developing studios for PS4 and shares some information on future titles for the PS4 titles. He says there are over thirty titles being developed for the PS4, twenty of which are exclusive, and twelve of such will be brand new IP's. The first they show is a game called The Order: 1886. Unfortunately, we only get a full trailer of cutscenes. We see some officers in London approach some intersection in a carriage, but with apparently advanced weapons for its time. The carriage approaches a stop, where some unseen monster snatches the driver off-camera. Then we see the officers fend off these monsters, climbing off walls and appearing only as silhouettes in the mists. It kind of looked like a type of BioShock to me, but I'm sure actual gameplay will stray far from it.
The next game shown is Killzone: Shadow Fall, which I can't say much of other than it looks really pretty. Then they show another racing game called Drive Club. Then they show inFamous: Second Son, which looks very story driven with still some interesting, action packed gameplay. What I especially noted about the graphics were the very detailed facial animations, which is surprisingly still a challenge to pull off correctly these days (read: Dead Island). Then there was another game called Knack, which honestly looked like some kind of Mega Block action-puzzle game, but I am probably way off.
Not only did Quantic Dream have a trailer for Beyond: Two Souls for us to see, but also another tech demo: The Dark Sorcerer. As with all tech demos, this was a very highly detailed tech demo showing off how powerful the PS4 graphics can run (note that in actual gameplay, as I've said time and time again, these kinds of graphics might not actually be achieved due to framerate). What I love about this tech demo was how they only showed a part of it and cut it off at some point, showing the scene as some kind of actual shot being made in a movie. I mean, the background graphics get cut out and reveal themselves to be "green screens," with the goblin and the sorcerer as actors. The scene is cut due to the sorcerer forgetting one of his lines. I appreciated this use of real humor in a video game, as opposed to that silly trailer for The Epic Quest. Sadly, this is just a tech demo, which means it'll never be a real game and is therefore ultimately a bunch of wasted effort. As the great Blue Highwind put it, it's like an author writing the first chapter of a book to show that he can write, and then scrapping it and writing an entirely different book.
Next on the floor was Adam Boyes, Vice President and head of Third Party Relations at SCEA, who shared information about games being made by developers outside of Sony, namely the indie developers but also some major ones as well. This was another strong point for Sony's conference, revealing several indie games for the PS4. The first they showed was a game called Transistor, developed by Supergiant Games who are known for making Bastion. I never had much interest in Bastion, but what they have shown in Transistor interested me. In a futuristic city, "influential voices" are disappearing one by one, and now red-headed, sword-wielding chick named Red is being hunted down. Not sure what is going on, but this trailer does show some gameplay. The game seems to be an action-based, stylized top-down and sidescrolling view of the game. I'll have more information about this game in a future post, as I believe there was a specific showcase for the game during the week. Boyes continues Sony's endless beatdown of Microsoft by announcing that Sony will continue to allow self-publishing from indie developers, taking no respite from killing the Xbox One before it launches.
The next several games they showed for release on the PS4 included Don't Starve, Octodad (hell yeah!), Oddworld Inhabitants and a new remake of the first Oddworld, and several other games as well. As many as nearly ten games were shown, and much more were promised. Boyes stated many of these indie games will make their exclusive console debut on the PS4.
Following news included a release of Diablo 3 for PS4, along with several PS4 exclusive items. However, the greatest part of this conference came when Boyes shared a video from Tetsuya Nomura from Square Enix, who in my opinion seems to be the most competent director currently available. I'm telling you now, this really needs its own paragraph, so let me get to that.
Nomura begins by once again saying he can't share many details about Final Fantasy Versus XIII, further perpetuating my notion that the game will never be made. However, they show what is probably the most in-depth trailer they've shown in years, integrating both story driven cutscenes (which are notably outstandingly beautiful) and action-packed gameplay (which is also beautiful, but with some awkward framerate at certain moments). What I love about what I've seen so far from the gameplay is that they seem to have blurred the line between regular gameplay and cinematic action where players tend to lose control in the past, like the quicktime events in FFXIII-2. Noct is fighting on walls, jumping onto zeppelins, fighting behemoths, fightingg a Leviathan! It all looks really awesome. However, the main part of this reveal wasn't just that they were still working on the game. At the end, with FF Versus XIII's title onscreen, a small exchange of dialogue between characters explains that the world is changing and that a "fifteenth coming" is, well, coming. Then, the title changes to Final Fantasy XV! I knew this was coming, but it is still exciting nonetheless! This means that Square has to make this game now. I mean, of course they could either just scrap this game entirely and make a new one. Or they can stop making Final Fantasy altogether. However, as awful as Square has been lately, I doubt they would go so far as to end a game that appears to be nearing completion, much less end the franchise that pretty much grounds them and makes them who they are. And with Tetsuya Nomura at the helm of this game, I can bet it will be pretty damn awesome.
However, this isn't even the best part of Square's micro-conference. The next thing they show was such a huge surprise it had my brother and I nearly crying. The second it starts, you see the Disney logo, which instantly made me realize that this was a Kingdom Hearts title as opposed to what I dreaded to be Lightning Returns. The video starts off with a montage of scenes from all the different Kindgom Hearts games, which almost led me to believe the trailer was for the HD remake of Kingdom Hearts 1, Chain of Memories, and scenes from 358/2 Days. However, all the other games are in there as well, so this had to be something else, and at this point, what else could it have been? Actual scenes pertaining to the new title began with what seems to be a shot of the Destiny Islands shore in HD, with vibrant colors and stronger detail to the models and environment. More importantly, pertaining to the story, we see Master Eraqus's keyblade washed on the shore of Destiny Islands, and none other than our at-first-seemingly-unlikely hero Sora picks it up and observes it. Then, it was the moment we were all holding our breaths for:
Kingdom Hearts 3!!!!!!!!!
This may sound ridiculous, but I literally shed a tear. It's like seeing the trailer for Harry Potter 7 and knowing a saga you grew up with is coming to a brilliant, beautiful close... Well, nothing is for sure about Kingdom Hearts 3 yet, but that still does not negate the fact that my brother, many other fans and I have been waiting for this since 2007. And many of us have literally grown up with this series; I played Kingdom Hearts 1 when I was in Elementary School, and then all the subsequent games (aside from Coded) as I progressed and graduated from grade school.
Getting back to the trailer, you'd guess they would end it with the title screen, but no! They even have the courtesy to show some gameplay, even if it's not much! We see Sora in Twilight Town as he takes on, surfs on, and clashes with a horde of what appear to be Neo Shadow heartless. I wanted to sob, it really felt like this day would never come... and then of course they quickly advertise the Kindgom Hearts remakes.
It would've been amazing to stick with these games a little longer, but the press conference quickly moved on to Assassin's Creed 4: Really Random Pirates. At least this time, they finally show some gameplay, which was great for Sony in this conference whereas every other conference only featured cutscenes... however, I wonder why it wasn't Ubisoft who showed off this demo? We see some expectedly beautiful jungle and island environments, and the beginning starts with the usual assassinations we've seen in every game. But then we see some explosive action and swashbuckling, with some "pirate music" thrown in, and I personally love pirate music, so that was a plus. Then there was cannon warfare, which also seemed exciting, and some sword fights with the use of the cutlass. However, the embarrassing thing about this demo was the humongous number of stalls and lag, and a really awkward, silent freeze near the end of the demo. It was pretty bad, and whether this was attributed to the game or to the system was a mystery.
The next game they discuss is Watch Dogs, where they once again show an actual gameplay demo as opposed to the other conferences. We start with the player having to stealthily drive past the police forces, pleasantly reminding me of the opening of the movie Drive. As he navigates, he uses his ingame cellphone to open some gateways and empty lots to hide from the police. He then uses the cellphone to hack several cameras successively to see a friendly NPC and help that NPC navigate away from some police officers, hacking other city devices while maintaining a view from the cameras. We see the player use a real world mobile device to hack and destroy some patrol vehicles. and then he pulls what was shown in a cutscene in the trailer: a hacked blackout of the city and a quick use of the advantage to dispatch the officers.
Next, they go EA Sports and show off the graphics of NBA 2014, using LeBron James of the Heat to advertise for the game. I liked the trailer, though, as they had a conversation between real-world LeBron James and Digital LeBron James, where James tells James who crazy it is that he looks so lifelike. This was charming, and was the only time Sony used a big-time star to advertise a product, whereas EA heavily relied on celebrities to sell their games. Sadly, the Heat will massively lose in the NBA game the following day, but that's a whole other topic completely.
Following NBA2K14 was The Elder Scrolls Online. This trailer showed off how wonderful the many different lands of Tamriel looks, and Sony announced "a new partnership" with Bethesda. From the bits of gameplay I've seen, this looks like it will play a lot like Skyrim, but what I really want to know is, will there be a monthly subscription? I hate the fact that I'm already paying nearly eighty bucks every half-year for World of Warcraft, and if I am demanded to pay another subscription I am going to ignore ESO altogether. I think payment plans, if there are any, would have been announced by now, so I'll go take a look. I'm assuming this game is also for the Xbox, so maybe you won't have to pay monthly for it along with paying monthly for Xbox Live - however, Square does make you pay monthly for FFXI and FFXIV on Xbox, so who knows. I'll look it up in a bit.
The next game that they introduced to the market is a game of a franchise I never heard of called Mad Max. All I see is a man begging another man to kill him, and so, rather than wasting shotgun ammo, the man runs him over. No opinion whatsoever.
Tretton comes back to continue discussing the PS4, recapping many of the things that have been discussed. Then, he takes this opportunity to strike at Microsoft, stating that there will be no restrictions on lending games or trading them in. He then gets into the rights of ownership once you buy a game, and the crowd goes wild. He continues the punishment by stating that disc-based games do not require a constant Internet connection or authentication (although that is still at the hand of developers). With all this, Sony has taken the sword and rove it deep into Microsoft's competition with the Xbox One. An interview with one of the higher ups from Microsoft I read states that they aren't worried about their competition, which sounds ridiculously bizarre. It's like you offered a defective TV as opposed to a fancy HD TV and said you felt confident you would outsell the HD TV. At first I thought Microsoft didn't care about their consumers, and maybe they don't, but I think there's more to it than that. I think they've gone full retard, like the owner of Abercrombie and Fitch who knows his business techniques are terrible and yet he sticks with them. I think everyone at Microsoft, or at least those in charge of the Xbox, have grown senile, demented, and might possibly have a case of Alzheimer's or schizophrenia. How can you look at not only the thrashings Sony is dealing but also the reactions from consumers and not be phased in the slightest bit.
Moving on from this embarrassment, Tretton discusses some new features for PSN, which include background gaming while the game is downloading, cross-game voice chat (which they should've had from Day 1 of PSN), and "transitions to a 'real world' friends network," whatever that is. And a share button. He continues by discussing Playstation Plus and announced that existing memberships with PS Plus will carry over to PS4. I was a little confused about whether online multiplayer would remain free, but it is apparently now a PS Plus feature. Still, with the "under five dollar a month" subscription as opposed to Microsoft's approximate fifteen dollar a month subscription, this is still quite the better alternative.
It's getting really late now, and I still have a bit to cover, but I can rely on my memory and my notes from this point forward. Destiny, the new IP from Bungie and being published/produced by Activision (ugh, the other EA), was shown off, and it looks wonderful. Of course, the graphics are nice and all, but what really makes it look good is that it appears to be a roleplaying version of Halo, where you control different classes of advanced soldiers with futuristic weaponry. It is set on a post-catastrophic Earth, and in the demo, the players are shown exploring a dark and abandoned structure. There appears to be enemy aliens, further feeling reminiscent of Halo, who have seemed to dominate most, if not all, of Earth. There was a little drone who retains the same sense of humor Bungie has implemented in their other little robot characters, from 343 to Cortana. All in all, while it looked like a further improved Halo experience, there are still several things about the game that feel different enough to be excited for, as with the role selection.
At the end of the conference, Sony outwitted Microsoft again by listing their console at $399, as opposed to Microsoft's nearly-insane price of half a grand. It feels all too much like the reveals for the previous generation consoles, where the Xbox 360 had all the glamour and took advantage of the PS3's initially ridiculous price of around eight hundred dollars. The sad thing about this current case, however, is that the Xbox One is nearing its launch in the market, while the PS3 back in those days was still under some lengthy development until it was released with a considerably lower price (not that that helped it much).
While I've outgrown the console wars by focusing my gaming experience on the PC, I still relish in witnessing the technological advancements of my time in gaming, and when marketing failures as huge as the ones Microsoft has been making come up, I cannot help but to relish in them... Well then again, I'm a big Microsoft hater, so that's expected. Besides, nobody wants to see a company like Nintendo make those kinds of mistakes. Nobody wants any company to screw consumers over like Microsoft has done, which is why I still feel empathy for those who believed Microsoft would deliver something as even more promising as the Xbox 360.
Again, Sony has driven the sword straight through the competition with Microsoft. It's like they plunged a blade into a pregnant woman and massacred the fetus, it's ridiculous how much they have trumped on Microsoft's shortcomings.
Tomorrow will feature what will probably a substantially shorter post on Nintendo, given that their Direct in lieu of a press conference is only forty minutes long. Stay tuned.
Sony started off with quite an explosive, somewhat lengthy montage of the different games they may be showing off at E3, with music blaring for a good several minutes. And they truly earned all the glamour, as we will see with their anticipated reveals, the revealing of the PS4, and with some incredible surprises along the way.
To start their conference, Sony discusses what they are doing with the PS3 and the Vita. The Vita, while certainly not a console to be underestimated, is being blown out by the Nintendo 3DS. They share several of the future upcoming games for Vita, including a new Killzone game, Batman: Arkham Origins, Terraway, and some HD remakes of games including God of War, Final Fantasy X, and Final Fantasy X-2. Why FFX-2 needed an HD remake is beyond me, but that is on Square's end. As with Microsoft, Sony announces that they will still support the PS3 with several titles. However, unlike Microsoft, Sony does it right by giving a lineup of new games, like The Last of Us (although I honestly only have a slight interest in it). They announced a game called The Puppeteer, which all I gathered from was a stylized platformer. Next was a game called rain, which seems to involve a storyline about ghostly children.
Of most interest to me from this fast montage of short, ambiguous trailers was one for Beyond: Two Souls, made by the makers of Heavy Rain and Kara, a tech demo but a beautiful one nonetheless. Ellen Page stars in this game apparently as a psychic military soldier... not too sure on other details
Next they show Gran Turismo 6: Another Racing Game. After Ubisoft's incredible showcase of The Crew, it's pretty hard to get excited for "a new physics engine" and better graphics. I guess hardcore racing fans like my uncle might get excited for this, but I just wish that they can give us a twist when it comes to a new racing game. It's not that hard, either; just look at Nintendo. Thankfully they didn't make this game a highlight, unlike Microsoft and their ridiculous showcase of Forza 5.
Other conferences mentioned it, but Sony was the one who decided to show off the new Batman: Arkham Origins, with Bane and a whole crew of interesting titled villains. We see Batman use a Tony Stark-esque mapping system to recreate a crime scene. Of course, we also see the Joker, my favorite villain ever. The president mentions some details about exclusive DLC from Arkham (along with a crack at the old 1960's Batman television show), and announces some exclusive bundles from GTA V, like a set of apparently GTA themed Turtle Beaches.
So after Jack discusses the Vita and PS3, Andrew House, President and Group CEO of SCE comes up to talk about the PS4. He starts off by saying, "We know players can't wait to see the Playstation 4." This scares me because usually lines like these are followed with a "please wait a little longer," but he actually does show it off instead! It looks kinda like a bulkier, sleeker PS2 to me, but I'll let you Readers see for it yourselves.
Unfortunately, Sony slumps a little by bringing Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment to talk about how the PS4 will offer features on music, movies, and television shows. I feared how long this segment was going to be, but you have to give them some slack as it was the unveiling of many details for PS4. Still, E3 at its core as about gaming, and any time off from discussing games will strike against the company who has the floor. Just look back on Microsoft's hideous conference back in 2010, which their Xbox One reveal echoed. House comes back on to discuss that the PS4 will offer several entertainment features such as Netflix and Redbox Media, which was previously only known to be available on Xbox One.
Following House is Shu Yoshida, President of Sony Worldwide Studios. He discusses the several first-party developing studios for PS4 and shares some information on future titles for the PS4 titles. He says there are over thirty titles being developed for the PS4, twenty of which are exclusive, and twelve of such will be brand new IP's. The first they show is a game called The Order: 1886. Unfortunately, we only get a full trailer of cutscenes. We see some officers in London approach some intersection in a carriage, but with apparently advanced weapons for its time. The carriage approaches a stop, where some unseen monster snatches the driver off-camera. Then we see the officers fend off these monsters, climbing off walls and appearing only as silhouettes in the mists. It kind of looked like a type of BioShock to me, but I'm sure actual gameplay will stray far from it.
The next game shown is Killzone: Shadow Fall, which I can't say much of other than it looks really pretty. Then they show another racing game called Drive Club. Then they show inFamous: Second Son, which looks very story driven with still some interesting, action packed gameplay. What I especially noted about the graphics were the very detailed facial animations, which is surprisingly still a challenge to pull off correctly these days (read: Dead Island). Then there was another game called Knack, which honestly looked like some kind of Mega Block action-puzzle game, but I am probably way off.
Not only did Quantic Dream have a trailer for Beyond: Two Souls for us to see, but also another tech demo: The Dark Sorcerer. As with all tech demos, this was a very highly detailed tech demo showing off how powerful the PS4 graphics can run (note that in actual gameplay, as I've said time and time again, these kinds of graphics might not actually be achieved due to framerate). What I love about this tech demo was how they only showed a part of it and cut it off at some point, showing the scene as some kind of actual shot being made in a movie. I mean, the background graphics get cut out and reveal themselves to be "green screens," with the goblin and the sorcerer as actors. The scene is cut due to the sorcerer forgetting one of his lines. I appreciated this use of real humor in a video game, as opposed to that silly trailer for The Epic Quest. Sadly, this is just a tech demo, which means it'll never be a real game and is therefore ultimately a bunch of wasted effort. As the great Blue Highwind put it, it's like an author writing the first chapter of a book to show that he can write, and then scrapping it and writing an entirely different book.
Next on the floor was Adam Boyes, Vice President and head of Third Party Relations at SCEA, who shared information about games being made by developers outside of Sony, namely the indie developers but also some major ones as well. This was another strong point for Sony's conference, revealing several indie games for the PS4. The first they showed was a game called Transistor, developed by Supergiant Games who are known for making Bastion. I never had much interest in Bastion, but what they have shown in Transistor interested me. In a futuristic city, "influential voices" are disappearing one by one, and now red-headed, sword-wielding chick named Red is being hunted down. Not sure what is going on, but this trailer does show some gameplay. The game seems to be an action-based, stylized top-down and sidescrolling view of the game. I'll have more information about this game in a future post, as I believe there was a specific showcase for the game during the week. Boyes continues Sony's endless beatdown of Microsoft by announcing that Sony will continue to allow self-publishing from indie developers, taking no respite from killing the Xbox One before it launches.
The next several games they showed for release on the PS4 included Don't Starve, Octodad (hell yeah!), Oddworld Inhabitants and a new remake of the first Oddworld, and several other games as well. As many as nearly ten games were shown, and much more were promised. Boyes stated many of these indie games will make their exclusive console debut on the PS4.
Following news included a release of Diablo 3 for PS4, along with several PS4 exclusive items. However, the greatest part of this conference came when Boyes shared a video from Tetsuya Nomura from Square Enix, who in my opinion seems to be the most competent director currently available. I'm telling you now, this really needs its own paragraph, so let me get to that.
Nomura begins by once again saying he can't share many details about Final Fantasy Versus XIII, further perpetuating my notion that the game will never be made. However, they show what is probably the most in-depth trailer they've shown in years, integrating both story driven cutscenes (which are notably outstandingly beautiful) and action-packed gameplay (which is also beautiful, but with some awkward framerate at certain moments). What I love about what I've seen so far from the gameplay is that they seem to have blurred the line between regular gameplay and cinematic action where players tend to lose control in the past, like the quicktime events in FFXIII-2. Noct is fighting on walls, jumping onto zeppelins, fighting behemoths, fightingg a Leviathan! It all looks really awesome. However, the main part of this reveal wasn't just that they were still working on the game. At the end, with FF Versus XIII's title onscreen, a small exchange of dialogue between characters explains that the world is changing and that a "fifteenth coming" is, well, coming. Then, the title changes to Final Fantasy XV! I knew this was coming, but it is still exciting nonetheless! This means that Square has to make this game now. I mean, of course they could either just scrap this game entirely and make a new one. Or they can stop making Final Fantasy altogether. However, as awful as Square has been lately, I doubt they would go so far as to end a game that appears to be nearing completion, much less end the franchise that pretty much grounds them and makes them who they are. And with Tetsuya Nomura at the helm of this game, I can bet it will be pretty damn awesome.
However, this isn't even the best part of Square's micro-conference. The next thing they show was such a huge surprise it had my brother and I nearly crying. The second it starts, you see the Disney logo, which instantly made me realize that this was a Kingdom Hearts title as opposed to what I dreaded to be Lightning Returns. The video starts off with a montage of scenes from all the different Kindgom Hearts games, which almost led me to believe the trailer was for the HD remake of Kingdom Hearts 1, Chain of Memories, and scenes from 358/2 Days. However, all the other games are in there as well, so this had to be something else, and at this point, what else could it have been? Actual scenes pertaining to the new title began with what seems to be a shot of the Destiny Islands shore in HD, with vibrant colors and stronger detail to the models and environment. More importantly, pertaining to the story, we see Master Eraqus's keyblade washed on the shore of Destiny Islands, and none other than our at-first-seemingly-unlikely hero Sora picks it up and observes it. Then, it was the moment we were all holding our breaths for:
Kingdom Hearts 3!!!!!!!!!
This may sound ridiculous, but I literally shed a tear. It's like seeing the trailer for Harry Potter 7 and knowing a saga you grew up with is coming to a brilliant, beautiful close... Well, nothing is for sure about Kingdom Hearts 3 yet, but that still does not negate the fact that my brother, many other fans and I have been waiting for this since 2007. And many of us have literally grown up with this series; I played Kingdom Hearts 1 when I was in Elementary School, and then all the subsequent games (aside from Coded) as I progressed and graduated from grade school.
Getting back to the trailer, you'd guess they would end it with the title screen, but no! They even have the courtesy to show some gameplay, even if it's not much! We see Sora in Twilight Town as he takes on, surfs on, and clashes with a horde of what appear to be Neo Shadow heartless. I wanted to sob, it really felt like this day would never come... and then of course they quickly advertise the Kindgom Hearts remakes.
It would've been amazing to stick with these games a little longer, but the press conference quickly moved on to Assassin's Creed 4: Really Random Pirates. At least this time, they finally show some gameplay, which was great for Sony in this conference whereas every other conference only featured cutscenes... however, I wonder why it wasn't Ubisoft who showed off this demo? We see some expectedly beautiful jungle and island environments, and the beginning starts with the usual assassinations we've seen in every game. But then we see some explosive action and swashbuckling, with some "pirate music" thrown in, and I personally love pirate music, so that was a plus. Then there was cannon warfare, which also seemed exciting, and some sword fights with the use of the cutlass. However, the embarrassing thing about this demo was the humongous number of stalls and lag, and a really awkward, silent freeze near the end of the demo. It was pretty bad, and whether this was attributed to the game or to the system was a mystery.
The next game they discuss is Watch Dogs, where they once again show an actual gameplay demo as opposed to the other conferences. We start with the player having to stealthily drive past the police forces, pleasantly reminding me of the opening of the movie Drive. As he navigates, he uses his ingame cellphone to open some gateways and empty lots to hide from the police. He then uses the cellphone to hack several cameras successively to see a friendly NPC and help that NPC navigate away from some police officers, hacking other city devices while maintaining a view from the cameras. We see the player use a real world mobile device to hack and destroy some patrol vehicles. and then he pulls what was shown in a cutscene in the trailer: a hacked blackout of the city and a quick use of the advantage to dispatch the officers.
Next, they go EA Sports and show off the graphics of NBA 2014, using LeBron James of the Heat to advertise for the game. I liked the trailer, though, as they had a conversation between real-world LeBron James and Digital LeBron James, where James tells James who crazy it is that he looks so lifelike. This was charming, and was the only time Sony used a big-time star to advertise a product, whereas EA heavily relied on celebrities to sell their games. Sadly, the Heat will massively lose in the NBA game the following day, but that's a whole other topic completely.
Following NBA2K14 was The Elder Scrolls Online. This trailer showed off how wonderful the many different lands of Tamriel looks, and Sony announced "a new partnership" with Bethesda. From the bits of gameplay I've seen, this looks like it will play a lot like Skyrim, but what I really want to know is, will there be a monthly subscription? I hate the fact that I'm already paying nearly eighty bucks every half-year for World of Warcraft, and if I am demanded to pay another subscription I am going to ignore ESO altogether. I think payment plans, if there are any, would have been announced by now, so I'll go take a look. I'm assuming this game is also for the Xbox, so maybe you won't have to pay monthly for it along with paying monthly for Xbox Live - however, Square does make you pay monthly for FFXI and FFXIV on Xbox, so who knows. I'll look it up in a bit.
The next game that they introduced to the market is a game of a franchise I never heard of called Mad Max. All I see is a man begging another man to kill him, and so, rather than wasting shotgun ammo, the man runs him over. No opinion whatsoever.
Tretton comes back to continue discussing the PS4, recapping many of the things that have been discussed. Then, he takes this opportunity to strike at Microsoft, stating that there will be no restrictions on lending games or trading them in. He then gets into the rights of ownership once you buy a game, and the crowd goes wild. He continues the punishment by stating that disc-based games do not require a constant Internet connection or authentication (although that is still at the hand of developers). With all this, Sony has taken the sword and rove it deep into Microsoft's competition with the Xbox One. An interview with one of the higher ups from Microsoft I read states that they aren't worried about their competition, which sounds ridiculously bizarre. It's like you offered a defective TV as opposed to a fancy HD TV and said you felt confident you would outsell the HD TV. At first I thought Microsoft didn't care about their consumers, and maybe they don't, but I think there's more to it than that. I think they've gone full retard, like the owner of Abercrombie and Fitch who knows his business techniques are terrible and yet he sticks with them. I think everyone at Microsoft, or at least those in charge of the Xbox, have grown senile, demented, and might possibly have a case of Alzheimer's or schizophrenia. How can you look at not only the thrashings Sony is dealing but also the reactions from consumers and not be phased in the slightest bit.
Moving on from this embarrassment, Tretton discusses some new features for PSN, which include background gaming while the game is downloading, cross-game voice chat (which they should've had from Day 1 of PSN), and "transitions to a 'real world' friends network," whatever that is. And a share button. He continues by discussing Playstation Plus and announced that existing memberships with PS Plus will carry over to PS4. I was a little confused about whether online multiplayer would remain free, but it is apparently now a PS Plus feature. Still, with the "under five dollar a month" subscription as opposed to Microsoft's approximate fifteen dollar a month subscription, this is still quite the better alternative.
It's getting really late now, and I still have a bit to cover, but I can rely on my memory and my notes from this point forward. Destiny, the new IP from Bungie and being published/produced by Activision (ugh, the other EA), was shown off, and it looks wonderful. Of course, the graphics are nice and all, but what really makes it look good is that it appears to be a roleplaying version of Halo, where you control different classes of advanced soldiers with futuristic weaponry. It is set on a post-catastrophic Earth, and in the demo, the players are shown exploring a dark and abandoned structure. There appears to be enemy aliens, further feeling reminiscent of Halo, who have seemed to dominate most, if not all, of Earth. There was a little drone who retains the same sense of humor Bungie has implemented in their other little robot characters, from 343 to Cortana. All in all, while it looked like a further improved Halo experience, there are still several things about the game that feel different enough to be excited for, as with the role selection.
At the end of the conference, Sony outwitted Microsoft again by listing their console at $399, as opposed to Microsoft's nearly-insane price of half a grand. It feels all too much like the reveals for the previous generation consoles, where the Xbox 360 had all the glamour and took advantage of the PS3's initially ridiculous price of around eight hundred dollars. The sad thing about this current case, however, is that the Xbox One is nearing its launch in the market, while the PS3 back in those days was still under some lengthy development until it was released with a considerably lower price (not that that helped it much).
While I've outgrown the console wars by focusing my gaming experience on the PC, I still relish in witnessing the technological advancements of my time in gaming, and when marketing failures as huge as the ones Microsoft has been making come up, I cannot help but to relish in them... Well then again, I'm a big Microsoft hater, so that's expected. Besides, nobody wants to see a company like Nintendo make those kinds of mistakes. Nobody wants any company to screw consumers over like Microsoft has done, which is why I still feel empathy for those who believed Microsoft would deliver something as even more promising as the Xbox 360.
Again, Sony has driven the sword straight through the competition with Microsoft. It's like they plunged a blade into a pregnant woman and massacred the fetus, it's ridiculous how much they have trumped on Microsoft's shortcomings.
Tomorrow will feature what will probably a substantially shorter post on Nintendo, given that their Direct in lieu of a press conference is only forty minutes long. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Ubisoft E3 Press Conference: #girlwood
I was pleased with Ubisoft's main spokeswoman, who remained on the floor throughout the whole conference as opposed to the multiples of spokesmen we've received so far at E3... eh. I don't feel like writing this post, as I mentioned in my EA post, so I am going to be more concise. But I will say that I felt a big risk in having a spokeswoman was thankfully kept from transforming into an awkward disaster at the Ubisoft press conference, as the gaming environment has been known for pretty awful misogynistic portrayals and shameful levels of fanservicing at times.
Ubisoft began by showing off the next Rocksmith, which started with Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains performing a mini-concert on guitar. At first, I feared this was going to devolve into the all too familiar embarrassment of giving a game like Rock Band to someone from Black Sabbath and watching in sheer awkwardness as the band member fails at getting the controls right. Thankfully, the advantage to Rocksmith is that you use an actual guitar as a controller, allowing for Jerry Cantrell to avoid the trap of awkward controls. The real thing they were showing off here was that Jerry didn't actually pick a song, he chose a group of instruments and began playing on his own. From what he played, the game learned what he was playing and used the instruments to form a full band to play what he was playing. I liked this idea, although I really have no interest in these music games anymore.
The first real game they showed was Splinter Cell: Blacklist. From what I know about Splinter Cell, this game seems true to the stealth-action gameplay. There is an interesting plot of assassinations of different military officers across the world, but beyond that I hadn't much else to say for the game. The next game they showed off was Rayman Legends, which looked absolutely beautiful (due to art style, not just simple graphics alone). I also don't have much to say about Rayman, though. It will be a side-scroller, and to me it seemed like a heavily stylized, indie-game feel of Donkey Kong Country. They said "the different heroes will star in this game," which surprised me because I had no idea there were other protagonists in the Rayman series. I mean, I thought the viking girl and the weird alien things were side characters. Maybe they are and I'm overthinking it. The only Rayman I ever played was one for the Nintendo 64, though, so of course I have no idea what is going on. I liked how the viking woman was the one to save the Rayman in the trailer, though this is probably going to be overlooked as nothing in the long run of things.
The next game they (barely) showed was some game called The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot (I think). There was hardly any gameplay, but they did show a pretty weird trailer where one of the characters goes behind the scenes and talks about his castle and his experiences raiding other castles. All throughout this was some slapstick and somewhat juvenile humor, which only left me with camp in mind and barely a grasp at what the gameplay is like. And then immediately after, this game was overshadowed by the upcoming South Park RPG. Once again, gameplay was traded in for humor as all we really see is a scene where Randy shares with a pupil the martial art of the Nagasaki Fart. South Park may be stupid, but when you place the humor of South Park next to the humor of a game attempting humor, you've overshadowed that other game.
Following this was what appeared to be Ubisoft's following of the trend of showing off ANOTHER racing game. I was about to turn off the conference altogether, because I was sick of all the damn racing games, but Ubisoft actually managed to impress. Unlike every other racing game ever made, The Crew features something quite incredible: thanks to the power of next-gen consoles (people say as if computers lacked this capability), the entire United States mainland is an open world track for a racing game. That's right, from the Mojave Desert to the beaches of Miami to the Redwood Forest, the near-entirety of this country is accessible to your vehicle, presumably without any loading times. If this wasn't mind blowing alone, they have many other features not present in your typical racing game. Similar to Titanfall, which seems to incorporate story mode into multiplayer, The Crew will have this always online feature where you can simultaneously play the game on single player while your friends are out driving in other parts of the country. I think that, unlike the Xbox One (unless you play this on the Xbox One, for some reason), this game won't require you to always be online, so you can still play the single-player stuff.
But it gets better from there. Throughout the map are many different "skills" and challenges, essentially sidequests and other missions from the main missions in the game. These can be done to improve your vehicle's performance or get you some new and better equipment for you to build your car with. What they offer in this game which I have yet to see fully realized in any other racing game is the realism of having different cars for different situations. So let's say you are in a Lamborghini up against a Ford F150 FX2 Sport. Your Lamborghini, obviously, is not meant to be driven off road, but on a track (in this case, an actual road), your car will perform incredibly. Meanwhile, the Ford F150 is designed for off-road use, therefore the driver's optimal method of winning the race against you is not by road, but by driving off-road. This sets up for some really dynamic gameplay where the driver of the high-performance vehicle suddenly has his track crossed by the driver of the off-road vehicle, who emerges from a forest and zooms across the road and over a grassy hill on the other side.
Then there are missions where you can form a squad of different vehicles, each tailored to do their own thing and use their own skills to take down criminal vehicles, all while avoiding the police. That's right, this is a role-playing racing game! And then along with all this is the ability to customize your car on the go with a mobile device. I was so impressed by this fresh take on the standard racing game, and I really do look forward to seeing more of this game in the future.
The next game Ubisoft announces is Watch Dogs, which has an interesting concept. You play as a man who uses his smartphone to hack nearly everything in the city to track down criminals and bring them to justice. In the trailer, which was all cutscenes, we see this man nearly get arrested, only to secretly hack the whole city and cause a blackout before beating up the cops and getting away. There was no gameplay shown at the Ubisoft conference, but some will appear in the Sony conference.
I sort of dozed off afterward, however, because all of what they were showing was seriously uninteresting. Following the current trends, Ubisoft announced a TV show based off some video game, although they did add a little twist by also making it an interactive game. But it was still not all that interesting.
Next, Ubisoft discussesPirates of the Caribbean Assassin's Creed 4. I've lost all interest in Assassin's Creed after they out of nowhere made Leonardo da Vinci a weapons dealer, but I still gave the newest installment a look. There really isn't much to say about the game at this point, because all they show are more trailers consisting only of cutscenes and little gameplay. We see epic pirate ship battles and swashbuckling action, but how much of that will players actually be able to play. Before they close the segment for Assassin's Creed, the developer on the game gave another video, calling it in-game gameplay. However, it was all just more cutscenes!
Next, they showcased the next two installments in Trials, which will be linked between the console and a mobile device. However, these games are entirely overshadowed by the last big game they had under their sleeves to close with, called The Division (which also falls under the Tom Clancy titles). This game is also a fully integrated online-story mode experience, something of a recurring theme of this E3. It is set in a post apocalyptic, modern USA where resources are low and people fight each other for them. This is all pretty much the insane visions of the New World Order that my uncle and many other extreme rightists envision, but the cause in this game isn't actually economic collapse at its core. It's all caused by a flu virus that spread from a single dollar bill. Within two days, many people across the country fall ill, and then the day afterward, the economy just collapses out of nowhere. So right away we have a world of nonsense which, if it gets shoved in my face enough times, will make me see the game as the stupidest thing ever made and not worth playing, but thankfully the gameplay trumps this awful storytelling. Thankfully, it doesn't seem that story-telling is that big of a deal here.
This game is an open world rpg, kind of reminiscent of Dead Island. In the demo, a few players used some kind of map like out of Tony Stark's garage in Iron Man 3 to find the source of a conflict where possible supplies such as food and medicine were located. So the two players headed, at a ridiculously slow pace, to the building, where they met up with some other player and a friend who was controlling a scouting robot through a mobile device. Together, they took out some enemy NPC's before entering a police station, which offered the players some weapons from the armory. Honestly, this is the kind of game you have to see to get the full picture, as I can describe everything these players were doing and sound like I'm describing a typical shooter. Also, throughout the whole demo, the players gave the most wooden voice chat I have ever heard. Nobody talks like how they did when they played the game. This happens all the time with people who get on to play these demos, leading me to think that they really don't play games at all or they don't play with any people.
To close, the director of the game, I think, gives a dramatic little speech about how our world is already collapsing, and ends it by dropping fake money from the ceiling. Obviously, he was just being dramatic and not making a real statement about current society, but his tone was so normal that it sounded like he was literally trying to get a message across, haha. If he was, I have no idea how anyone would've taken him seriously after that whole nonsense of the virus from the dollar bill.
Coming up, I have a post on the two other conferences that mattered: the Sony E3 press conference and the Nintendo Direct at E3. This is where the heart of E3 lies, and I am looking forward to fanwanking on this blog about it. Also, I'll have either multiple posts specialized to single or groups of games, or one big post about all the games that I am interested in this year. Stick around, it'll be a while before I get to them.
Ubisoft began by showing off the next Rocksmith, which started with Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains performing a mini-concert on guitar. At first, I feared this was going to devolve into the all too familiar embarrassment of giving a game like Rock Band to someone from Black Sabbath and watching in sheer awkwardness as the band member fails at getting the controls right. Thankfully, the advantage to Rocksmith is that you use an actual guitar as a controller, allowing for Jerry Cantrell to avoid the trap of awkward controls. The real thing they were showing off here was that Jerry didn't actually pick a song, he chose a group of instruments and began playing on his own. From what he played, the game learned what he was playing and used the instruments to form a full band to play what he was playing. I liked this idea, although I really have no interest in these music games anymore.
The first real game they showed was Splinter Cell: Blacklist. From what I know about Splinter Cell, this game seems true to the stealth-action gameplay. There is an interesting plot of assassinations of different military officers across the world, but beyond that I hadn't much else to say for the game. The next game they showed off was Rayman Legends, which looked absolutely beautiful (due to art style, not just simple graphics alone). I also don't have much to say about Rayman, though. It will be a side-scroller, and to me it seemed like a heavily stylized, indie-game feel of Donkey Kong Country. They said "the different heroes will star in this game," which surprised me because I had no idea there were other protagonists in the Rayman series. I mean, I thought the viking girl and the weird alien things were side characters. Maybe they are and I'm overthinking it. The only Rayman I ever played was one for the Nintendo 64, though, so of course I have no idea what is going on. I liked how the viking woman was the one to save the Rayman in the trailer, though this is probably going to be overlooked as nothing in the long run of things.
The next game they (barely) showed was some game called The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot (I think). There was hardly any gameplay, but they did show a pretty weird trailer where one of the characters goes behind the scenes and talks about his castle and his experiences raiding other castles. All throughout this was some slapstick and somewhat juvenile humor, which only left me with camp in mind and barely a grasp at what the gameplay is like. And then immediately after, this game was overshadowed by the upcoming South Park RPG. Once again, gameplay was traded in for humor as all we really see is a scene where Randy shares with a pupil the martial art of the Nagasaki Fart. South Park may be stupid, but when you place the humor of South Park next to the humor of a game attempting humor, you've overshadowed that other game.
Following this was what appeared to be Ubisoft's following of the trend of showing off ANOTHER racing game. I was about to turn off the conference altogether, because I was sick of all the damn racing games, but Ubisoft actually managed to impress. Unlike every other racing game ever made, The Crew features something quite incredible: thanks to the power of next-gen consoles (people say as if computers lacked this capability), the entire United States mainland is an open world track for a racing game. That's right, from the Mojave Desert to the beaches of Miami to the Redwood Forest, the near-entirety of this country is accessible to your vehicle, presumably without any loading times. If this wasn't mind blowing alone, they have many other features not present in your typical racing game. Similar to Titanfall, which seems to incorporate story mode into multiplayer, The Crew will have this always online feature where you can simultaneously play the game on single player while your friends are out driving in other parts of the country. I think that, unlike the Xbox One (unless you play this on the Xbox One, for some reason), this game won't require you to always be online, so you can still play the single-player stuff.
But it gets better from there. Throughout the map are many different "skills" and challenges, essentially sidequests and other missions from the main missions in the game. These can be done to improve your vehicle's performance or get you some new and better equipment for you to build your car with. What they offer in this game which I have yet to see fully realized in any other racing game is the realism of having different cars for different situations. So let's say you are in a Lamborghini up against a Ford F150 FX2 Sport. Your Lamborghini, obviously, is not meant to be driven off road, but on a track (in this case, an actual road), your car will perform incredibly. Meanwhile, the Ford F150 is designed for off-road use, therefore the driver's optimal method of winning the race against you is not by road, but by driving off-road. This sets up for some really dynamic gameplay where the driver of the high-performance vehicle suddenly has his track crossed by the driver of the off-road vehicle, who emerges from a forest and zooms across the road and over a grassy hill on the other side.
Then there are missions where you can form a squad of different vehicles, each tailored to do their own thing and use their own skills to take down criminal vehicles, all while avoiding the police. That's right, this is a role-playing racing game! And then along with all this is the ability to customize your car on the go with a mobile device. I was so impressed by this fresh take on the standard racing game, and I really do look forward to seeing more of this game in the future.
The next game Ubisoft announces is Watch Dogs, which has an interesting concept. You play as a man who uses his smartphone to hack nearly everything in the city to track down criminals and bring them to justice. In the trailer, which was all cutscenes, we see this man nearly get arrested, only to secretly hack the whole city and cause a blackout before beating up the cops and getting away. There was no gameplay shown at the Ubisoft conference, but some will appear in the Sony conference.
I sort of dozed off afterward, however, because all of what they were showing was seriously uninteresting. Following the current trends, Ubisoft announced a TV show based off some video game, although they did add a little twist by also making it an interactive game. But it was still not all that interesting.
Next, Ubisoft discusses
Next, they showcased the next two installments in Trials, which will be linked between the console and a mobile device. However, these games are entirely overshadowed by the last big game they had under their sleeves to close with, called The Division (which also falls under the Tom Clancy titles). This game is also a fully integrated online-story mode experience, something of a recurring theme of this E3. It is set in a post apocalyptic, modern USA where resources are low and people fight each other for them. This is all pretty much the insane visions of the New World Order that my uncle and many other extreme rightists envision, but the cause in this game isn't actually economic collapse at its core. It's all caused by a flu virus that spread from a single dollar bill. Within two days, many people across the country fall ill, and then the day afterward, the economy just collapses out of nowhere. So right away we have a world of nonsense which, if it gets shoved in my face enough times, will make me see the game as the stupidest thing ever made and not worth playing, but thankfully the gameplay trumps this awful storytelling. Thankfully, it doesn't seem that story-telling is that big of a deal here.
This game is an open world rpg, kind of reminiscent of Dead Island. In the demo, a few players used some kind of map like out of Tony Stark's garage in Iron Man 3 to find the source of a conflict where possible supplies such as food and medicine were located. So the two players headed, at a ridiculously slow pace, to the building, where they met up with some other player and a friend who was controlling a scouting robot through a mobile device. Together, they took out some enemy NPC's before entering a police station, which offered the players some weapons from the armory. Honestly, this is the kind of game you have to see to get the full picture, as I can describe everything these players were doing and sound like I'm describing a typical shooter. Also, throughout the whole demo, the players gave the most wooden voice chat I have ever heard. Nobody talks like how they did when they played the game. This happens all the time with people who get on to play these demos, leading me to think that they really don't play games at all or they don't play with any people.
To close, the director of the game, I think, gives a dramatic little speech about how our world is already collapsing, and ends it by dropping fake money from the ceiling. Obviously, he was just being dramatic and not making a real statement about current society, but his tone was so normal that it sounded like he was literally trying to get a message across, haha. If he was, I have no idea how anyone would've taken him seriously after that whole nonsense of the virus from the dollar bill.
Coming up, I have a post on the two other conferences that mattered: the Sony E3 press conference and the Nintendo Direct at E3. This is where the heart of E3 lies, and I am looking forward to fanwanking on this blog about it. Also, I'll have either multiple posts specialized to single or groups of games, or one big post about all the games that I am interested in this year. Stick around, it'll be a while before I get to them.
EA E3 Press Conference: Gaming with the Stars
I originally didn't want to write posts for EA and Ubisoft, because really all I cared about were The Big Three. Still, I decided to cover all five conferences and then write posts that focused in on the things I cared about, so here's a review of the EA press conference.
First of all, I hate EA. Thought Microsoft was bad? This is a company notorious for its dirty deeds, with the authentication codes and the endless DLC and demands to make you spend more money on nonsense. But the way I tried to look at this conference was, each developer might have some affiliation with EA but they are not EA themselves (well, aside from the EA Sports games, obviously), so this allowed me to observe the games. Returning again from Microsoft's miserable conference are Titanfall and Battlefield 4.
So EA began with the next installment in the Plants vs. Zombies series: Garden Warfare. The name alone nearly turned me off from the game, because anything with any semblance to Call of Duty will disgust me, but thankfully they had a demo of the game to show for the audience. We see our usual humanoid plant life starring in a third-person shooter where each plant has its own capabilities, as with every other PvZ game. The group of players combine their own plants' skills to take down waves of zombies in fully navigable, three-dimensional stages with several points of interest, such as objectives to defend or flower turrets to set up, dotted across the stage. After defeating several waves of zombies, the players reach a boss stage, where they fight... a disco zombie? I thought this was kind of like a bonus or joke wave, but it was a cool thing to see in a game where the style can make things like this work. Then they fight the real boss, which is some giant zombie boss and a shorter version of him. At some point, they send in a flying garlic flower that pelts the boss down until finally calling in an airstrike of corn stalks... I think. It looked nice and all, but then they said it was an Xbox One exclusive.
The next thing they showed was... Titanfall. Again? Pretty much. I really do not remember seeing anything new or different from the Microsoft showing of the game, but they did something very interesting. While the Microsoft conference declared the game was an Xbox One exclusive, the developers of the game at the EA conference said it was exclusive to the Xbox One, PC, and even the Xbox 360. Is there a dispute between Microsoft and the developers of Titanfall (note: this is me wishing ill for Microsoft). I think there was just some kind of misunderstanding about the game, but whatever the case, so far there is no word on the game being available for Sony or Nintendo. Not that it really mattered to me, or that it should to anyone else seeing as how this isn't something as big as Halo.
Next, one of the EA spokesmen decided to show some other games they were working on, though all they did was show two games. One of these games was far so important that nothing else about this conference mattered at all, and that was Star Wars: Battlefront! I don't know if it's a remake or a new game... as a matter of fact, nobody knows if it's anything. All you see is a snowy landscape, possibly that of Hoth, and after about ten seconds or so, a Snowspeeder comes crashing down, zipping by the feet of an AT-AT. That is all you see, and then right away, EA moves on to Need for Speed: Yet Another Racing Game. WHO CARES!
Here, I lost track a bit because IGN's broadcast got a little screwy. Honestly, there was nothing about the new Need for Speed that I felt was any different from any racing game I've seen before. It certainly seemed more exciting than Forza 5, since this game is not as contained and since the cops, as always in N4S, are present. This whole game was completely overshadowed by Aaron Paul (Jesse in Breaking Bad) and his out of nowhere appearance, and from here it goes downhill for a while. EA goes from talking about games to talking about a Need for Speed movie, which looks exactly like Fast and Furious except with an actor who is actually a trillion times better than Vin Diesel and The Rock combined. As much as I love Aaron Paul, I found myself asking why was EA wasting their conference?
From here on, EA clutches on celebrities to show off their games. Some basketball star from the Cavaliers talks with a spokesman about dribbling in NBA Live 14,' and that was the best part of the EA Sports segment. Actually, I think the best part of this segment would be the Madden game, since that one didn't have a guest star to show up and talk about it (as far as I can remember). FIFA should've been the better part of this segment, since soccer is a true sport with fans worldwide, but then they get Drake to talk out of nowhere about how he's always been a fan of FIFA. I don't understand, why do we need Drake to tell us that FIFA is a good game? What's even more bizarre, however, was that gameplay footage of the new FIFA was only "Pre-Alpha" footage, and the game is coming out in a couple to few months. By now, we should have like the full game ready to see!
Then we have the EA UFC showcase... *massive facepalm.* This was so corny I thought I was in Kansas. To start, this was a celebrity freakfest, with Bruce Buffer to do a boxing-style announcement of the next spokesmen, and then with head of UFC Dana White, champion Jon Jones, and champion Benson Henderson coming up to introduce the game. Further hindering this performance was the reveal of the new AI system: MMAi... *massive facepalm.* The Head of UFC then talks about how he believes the first sport ever was fighting, which is okay coming from him, but then we get a trailer that feels all too much like the Call of Duty: Ghosts trailer, showcasing boxing in civilizations as ancient as Greece... Please kill me now.
Sure, "boxing" may have existed in Greece, but this is all just too corny.
Thankfully, before I began to contemplate prying my eyes out, they finished the EA Sports segment and closed with another look at Battlefield 4. At first, I was about to shut off the conference, because who the hell cares about the Battlefield 4 campaign? Why am I going to watch the same thing I've seen countless times before twice in one day? This showcase started off badly enough, with the two spokesmen showing up without applause and with one of them still thanking the audience anyway. Then they go on to say they try to make shooters that aren't just about pretty graphics, setting up a promise which, believe it or not, most have failed to deliver.
Thankfully, they actually did something different from the Microsoft press conference. They showed off the multiplayer and the new "Commander Mode" made for mobile devices, and what better way to do this than by showing it, on the PC, in a full-blown sixty-four player match? They played a match in a map called Siege of Shanghai, a metropolitan city map based in, well, Shanghai. A lot of it looked like "souped up Battlefield 3" as I said before, but that's not such a bad thing. The dynamic environment and capability of destroying structures has improved greatly, from being able to destroy underground support beams for roads (which was used to trap a tank) to toppling down full blown skyscrapers. The closest thing Battlefield 3 got to this was that tower in that Russian countryside map. We also see how Commander Mode is integrated into the multiplayer, where the player in the role of the Commander on the mobile device has a cartographic view of the action, where the enemy is, where the objectives and other things are located, and with the ability to call in a few attacks of his own. We see the Commander call in an artillery strike on a group of tanks that were about to knock down a skyscraper the demoing squad was on. We didn't get a full multiplayer match, as the demo ended as the building collapsed, but this was still quite a beautiful look at what to expect from Battlefield 4.
Before EA left for the day, they closed the conference with a trailer to a new Mirror's Edge. I've never played the first one, though, and I think I heard it wasn't all that good, so I really don't have much to say about this new trailer, other than... it's pretty?
Microsoft E3 Press Conference: An Interesting Lineup of Exclusives, But Still No Words on the Console Itself?
This post is actually not going to be as in depth as my other posts, because I actually watched this press conference while I was at a friend's house. Therefore, I did not take notes and I might have forgotten some of the games that they showcased, but with all honesty this is how I can describe Microsoft's conference in comparison to the others. That's right, Microsoft's E3 press conference was pretty forgettable, offering some interesting new IP's but little else. The other conferences show off some indie games, and I think this one did as well; however, relative to those other conferences, there were few games shown that weren't from either a big third-party developer or from Microsoft Studios. No doubt, this is probably attributed to Microsoft's bizarre choice to restrict indie developers from self-publishing. Most notable, however, was Microsoft's refusal to address anything about the Xbox One as a gaming console in itself.
The conference began with a look at Metal Gear Solid Five, beginning with a really long cutscene that MGS4 was notorious for. I don't know a whole lot about the Metal Gear series, and I thought this game took place before MGS4 because Snake looks younger. Snake also has this demon horn growing out of his head, and near the end they start talking about demons and such. I wasn't too sure of what was going on, but the gameplay itself looks true to what I've experienced from the little I've played of MGS4. Snake is seen hiding from enemies while horseback, by using a Native American technique of hiding behind the horse's side that faces away from the enemy. Snake is seen sneaking through towns in the desert... that's all I really got. Also, they said that Metal Gear Solid 5 is now an "open world."
Also, what's with the name? "The Phantom Pain." That has to be one of the most retarded titles I've ever heard, I mean, is Snake an amputee now?
Before getting into the Xbox One, Microsoft wanted to show that they still "supported" the Xbox 360. Those who own Gold Membership will, for next couple to few months, receive two free games available for download. This sounds exciting at first, but then they reveal their first two downloadable titles: Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed 2. Does Microsoft think they're Nintendo now? While these relatively old games might be considered classics to several in the future (I know Halo 3 will be one for me), these re-releases are pointless. These aren't games to get excited for, especially if you are one of the many people who already own it for that console. What made Nintendo's ambassador programs so successful was not that they re-released titles that already existed for their Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, it was because they re-released classics from the NES, GameBoy Advance, and so on. Microsoft also said they were "re-releasing" a slew of other games, like Final Fantasy XIII, but I am not sure if this is part of the monthly two-game freebies. If this is something else entirely, this is also another failure of a decision. How are you going to re-release games that are still widely available in the market? Now, if they were to re-release classics from the original Xbox console, then maybe this would be something to be excited for.
With the Xbox 360 out of the way (as they probably would've put it), Microsoft jumped right into the Xbox One, with the promise that this conference was "all about the games." What Microsoft fails to realize with this stupid phrase is that E3 is already supposed to be all about the games. So anyway, they go ahead and proceed to discuss the games that they plan to release for the Xbox One, along with several exclusive titles. One such title announced as a game called Ryse, where you play as a Roman general(?) and lead a group soldiers to battle. In the demo, the game looked like a "300 meets Gears of War," as one of my friends put it. It looked alright until the cringeworthy quicktime events, where the player had all the time in the world to execute an, well, execution with the press of a button and enter a cinematic killing move, in which the player has no control beyond that single press of a button.
Things get a little worse from here. Next on the Microsoft press conference was the showcase of Forza 5: Yet Another Racing Game. The spokesman comes up with a car from the game and everything, and even talks about the car a bit. What does this have to do with the game? Well, after that, we get down into some gameplay videos. The spokesman mainly discusses graphics (go figure, what else is there to talk about), and also one slightly interesting mechanic about the game. Forza 5 will use Microsoft's Cloud service to analyze how players drive their vehicles in the game, and then that will be used as AI for non-player vehicles. Then they talk about the graphics and how great they are, but nobody should really care about the graphics unless it is integral to the game's art design. In the case of Forza 5, do you really think art design is a big part of the game? What's also stupid is they show what are essentially meaningless technical demos, showing stills of a car and explaining how "state of the art" the graphics are when the truth is that in the actual gameplay, the framerate reduces the visuals, so it all depends on how the game runs. If graphics have to be a selling point for a game, then that game is a failure. Graphics these days is just another standard that shouldn't be worth mentioning unless there is something actually notable about them.
The conference began with a look at Metal Gear Solid Five, beginning with a really long cutscene that MGS4 was notorious for. I don't know a whole lot about the Metal Gear series, and I thought this game took place before MGS4 because Snake looks younger. Snake also has this demon horn growing out of his head, and near the end they start talking about demons and such. I wasn't too sure of what was going on, but the gameplay itself looks true to what I've experienced from the little I've played of MGS4. Snake is seen hiding from enemies while horseback, by using a Native American technique of hiding behind the horse's side that faces away from the enemy. Snake is seen sneaking through towns in the desert... that's all I really got. Also, they said that Metal Gear Solid 5 is now an "open world."
Also, what's with the name? "The Phantom Pain." That has to be one of the most retarded titles I've ever heard, I mean, is Snake an amputee now?
Before getting into the Xbox One, Microsoft wanted to show that they still "supported" the Xbox 360. Those who own Gold Membership will, for next couple to few months, receive two free games available for download. This sounds exciting at first, but then they reveal their first two downloadable titles: Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed 2. Does Microsoft think they're Nintendo now? While these relatively old games might be considered classics to several in the future (I know Halo 3 will be one for me), these re-releases are pointless. These aren't games to get excited for, especially if you are one of the many people who already own it for that console. What made Nintendo's ambassador programs so successful was not that they re-released titles that already existed for their Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, it was because they re-released classics from the NES, GameBoy Advance, and so on. Microsoft also said they were "re-releasing" a slew of other games, like Final Fantasy XIII, but I am not sure if this is part of the monthly two-game freebies. If this is something else entirely, this is also another failure of a decision. How are you going to re-release games that are still widely available in the market? Now, if they were to re-release classics from the original Xbox console, then maybe this would be something to be excited for.
With the Xbox 360 out of the way (as they probably would've put it), Microsoft jumped right into the Xbox One, with the promise that this conference was "all about the games." What Microsoft fails to realize with this stupid phrase is that E3 is already supposed to be all about the games. So anyway, they go ahead and proceed to discuss the games that they plan to release for the Xbox One, along with several exclusive titles. One such title announced as a game called Ryse, where you play as a Roman general(?) and lead a group soldiers to battle. In the demo, the game looked like a "300 meets Gears of War," as one of my friends put it. It looked alright until the cringeworthy quicktime events, where the player had all the time in the world to execute an, well, execution with the press of a button and enter a cinematic killing move, in which the player has no control beyond that single press of a button.
Things get a little worse from here. Next on the Microsoft press conference was the showcase of Forza 5: Yet Another Racing Game. The spokesman comes up with a car from the game and everything, and even talks about the car a bit. What does this have to do with the game? Well, after that, we get down into some gameplay videos. The spokesman mainly discusses graphics (go figure, what else is there to talk about), and also one slightly interesting mechanic about the game. Forza 5 will use Microsoft's Cloud service to analyze how players drive their vehicles in the game, and then that will be used as AI for non-player vehicles. Then they talk about the graphics and how great they are, but nobody should really care about the graphics unless it is integral to the game's art design. In the case of Forza 5, do you really think art design is a big part of the game? What's also stupid is they show what are essentially meaningless technical demos, showing stills of a car and explaining how "state of the art" the graphics are when the truth is that in the actual gameplay, the framerate reduces the visuals, so it all depends on how the game runs. If graphics have to be a selling point for a game, then that game is a failure. Graphics these days is just another standard that shouldn't be worth mentioning unless there is something actually notable about them.
Aside from these things, the press conference continues and seems pretty okay for a while. They show off several games that look interesting, one of which caught my eye was that stylized Sunset something game. They showed off Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct as Xbox One exclusives, which pissed my friends and I off, but in truth it is a good thing for Microsoft because they need all the good exclusives they can get. As they showed off Killer Instinct, they decided to show the console's ability to screen record and livestream your gameplay. They also said they were doing away with Microsoft points for real money, further blurring the line between console and PC. While the Microsoft point thing might be good, you can't give a console all the features of an actual computer. PC's are always going to be better than consoles, so when selling a console you have to ask, what will the gamer have (or even not have) on a console that he won't on a PC? You also have to take into account what exclusives are being made for your console. This is where Sony and Nintendo are seriously dominating Microsoft on, but I'll return to that in future posts concerning them.
A whole slew of other games were shown, most of which I remember thinking nicely of, but honestly I cannot remember much of them. I remember one game they showed called Project Spark, which really integrates the Smartglass to design worlds, towns, objects, and so on. What I didn't understand about the game was that you were supposed to design enemy wave battles against towns you build. How does that make any sense, what is the point in creating monsters to attack your own town? The game looks nice, though, but I had to laugh at the pathetic framerate issues that gave rise during the goblin waves.
Following Project Spark were the notables. First, they gave a taste of Battlefield 4 by showing the single-player campaign. However, when they tried to start the game, the game froze, or something, and so for a good five to ten minutes, we were looking at the title of the game. Finally they got it working, but what was there to really see? If you've played one of the Call of Duty single player campaigns, you've played them all, and this can apply to Battlefield 4, especially since it seems that Battlefield 4 is just a souped up version of Battlefield 3. That's all these games are, really, unless you actually switch things up and set them in Vietnam or in the future.
The next thing I remember seeing was the trailer for Halo 5. What, Halo 5 already? I thought Halo 4 just came out last year! We see a robed man traversing a desert, pretty much for most of the trailer. Then, something rises out of the sand, which turns out to be this giant robot. The robed man looks up and... it's Master Chief! He's holding some dog tags I had no idea what they were. I have yet to play through Halo 4's campaign, so clearly I am probably missing a lot of information here. Sadly, my experience with the Halo storyline will end with Halo 4 sine I am not planning on buying an Xbox One, so that'll be something I'll have to live with.
That's pretty much the whole Microsoft press conference. They had one last "surprise" game to close with, which was really just a new IP that I doubt anybody new of before or really cared that much for. It's a game called Titanfall, which seemed nice to me, it's like a mix of Halo and Battlefield....
Actually, I realize I just described Planetside 2. Though really, I'd consider Planetside 2 more of a Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield. Titanfall has the whole body armor suit thing, plus the core elements of a Battlefield first person shooter, but the twist here is A) you can control giant mecha soldiers, and B) the game's story mode is also the competitive multiplayer mode. That sounded really interesting to me, but then they said it was an Xbox One exclusive. However, as we will see in the upcoming EA press conference post, it is actually not an Xbox One exclusive (though it still is exclusive to Microsoft).
So overall, I had no real opinion of the Microsoft press conference because I simply couldn't care that much for the titles that were announced, even including the exclusives. What I wanted to see was Microsoft striking back at the air of mystery around the console's ability to play another person's game, around the company's policy on used games, around the console's claim of always requiring to be online. However, Microsoft failed to seize this opportunity to discuss how the Xbox One is a gaming console at its core. And as a result, Sony swept in and tore Microsoft apart in their press conference, but more on that later.
I am truly sorry for Xbox fans. While I disliked the Xbox 360, I cannot fail to acknowledge how it revolutionized online console gaming, with Xbox Live and the slew of features it came with. Now, Microsoft has taken that and used it as an effort to just grab all of your money. While I and many gamers can treat this as Christmas in advance, I cannot help but feel awful for the Xbox fans who were massively screwed over by Microsoft.
Also, the Xbox One will be $499. Ain't nobody got cash for that!
Update: It turns out, there was even some dialogue during the Killer Instinct demo that offended many people, whom interpreted the dialogue as sexist rape jokes. I'm not sure what to make of it, mainly because the dialogue between people playing these demos is always nonsense, but here's some of the conversation that transpired between the two.
The next thing I remember seeing was the trailer for Halo 5. What, Halo 5 already? I thought Halo 4 just came out last year! We see a robed man traversing a desert, pretty much for most of the trailer. Then, something rises out of the sand, which turns out to be this giant robot. The robed man looks up and... it's Master Chief! He's holding some dog tags I had no idea what they were. I have yet to play through Halo 4's campaign, so clearly I am probably missing a lot of information here. Sadly, my experience with the Halo storyline will end with Halo 4 sine I am not planning on buying an Xbox One, so that'll be something I'll have to live with.
That's pretty much the whole Microsoft press conference. They had one last "surprise" game to close with, which was really just a new IP that I doubt anybody new of before or really cared that much for. It's a game called Titanfall, which seemed nice to me, it's like a mix of Halo and Battlefield....
Actually, I realize I just described Planetside 2. Though really, I'd consider Planetside 2 more of a Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield. Titanfall has the whole body armor suit thing, plus the core elements of a Battlefield first person shooter, but the twist here is A) you can control giant mecha soldiers, and B) the game's story mode is also the competitive multiplayer mode. That sounded really interesting to me, but then they said it was an Xbox One exclusive. However, as we will see in the upcoming EA press conference post, it is actually not an Xbox One exclusive (though it still is exclusive to Microsoft).
So overall, I had no real opinion of the Microsoft press conference because I simply couldn't care that much for the titles that were announced, even including the exclusives. What I wanted to see was Microsoft striking back at the air of mystery around the console's ability to play another person's game, around the company's policy on used games, around the console's claim of always requiring to be online. However, Microsoft failed to seize this opportunity to discuss how the Xbox One is a gaming console at its core. And as a result, Sony swept in and tore Microsoft apart in their press conference, but more on that later.
I am truly sorry for Xbox fans. While I disliked the Xbox 360, I cannot fail to acknowledge how it revolutionized online console gaming, with Xbox Live and the slew of features it came with. Now, Microsoft has taken that and used it as an effort to just grab all of your money. While I and many gamers can treat this as Christmas in advance, I cannot help but feel awful for the Xbox fans who were massively screwed over by Microsoft.
Also, the Xbox One will be $499. Ain't nobody got cash for that!
Update: It turns out, there was even some dialogue during the Killer Instinct demo that offended many people, whom interpreted the dialogue as sexist rape jokes. I'm not sure what to make of it, mainly because the dialogue between people playing these demos is always nonsense, but here's some of the conversation that transpired between the two.
"I can't even block correctly, and you're too fast," she says.
"Here we go. Just let it happen. It'll be over soon," he says.
"You have a fight stick," she says.
"Wow, you like those," he says.
"No, I don't like this," she says.
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